I'm trying to find a way in PHP to verify whether a specific Windows Application is running or not.
Checking for open windows application via PHP
You mean on the client side, or the server side? On the client side, when user browses through your page, it is not possible (feasible). On the server side, executing some script or command line tools with [man]exec[/man] may help you (but I don't know what commands exactly). But that wil only tell you if the server, which runs php, has this application running.
Something like this might work, assuming you know the filename:
$processes = `tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq winamp.exe"`;
if($processes === NULL)
echo 'Winamp is not running!';
echo 'Winamp is running!';
EDIT: Only tested this on XP Media Center, not sure if it behaves differently on various Server OS's.