Is it just me or do the links jump around when you click them?

I have to click virtually every board link twice because the first time makes the stylesheet move it left.

Anyone else having this issue? IE 6 & 7 don't do it.

XP Pro SP2

[posted in the feedback forum because it pertains to feedback about the phpbuilder site]

    Can't say I've seen that. Just tested.

      It's done it for me for a long time now if I'm in a sub-forum screen, such as the Help sub-forum. Go there, then click on one of the forums toward the bottom of the page, such as "Coding". When you click it, everything jumps around a bit; but then at that point it is stable and you can click on any forum with no further problem.

      Windows Vista
      1200 x 800 screen with browser maximized

        Yeah, I can reproduce this. I think it might have to do with the .page class or the fact that there are about 800 tables and FF might get flubbed upon them 🙂

        But I do see it. It only happens if the table starts out expanded (i.e. running across the screen like the rest of it should), then when you click a link, it shrinks the table to be like 1/2 it's original size.

        I've seen this happen when viewing topic listings via Firefox before, except I don't have to click anything, it just renders as 1/2 the width it should be.

        EDIT Firefox 3 beta 2 (well, the pre-release of beta 2) seems to not have this issue.... it may be due to ad-block plus 😉

          I can't reproduce it at all, but then I'm not running ad block

            I only use the default pop-up blocker.

              I am not running Ad Block, though I am running FlashBlock. This has been an issue for me for quite some time, both here and at the forums.

                9 days later

                Running FireFox on Fedora Core 8 with the KDE GUI yields no issues on my end.

                  I don't see ads at, but I use the special MVPS hosts file available at to block ads. It's so effective, I forget I even have it sometimes.

                  That said, I can't reproduce on either or 11 over XPsp2

                    5 days later

                    I'm using FireFox and having no problems. I don't think upgrading from .9 to .11 will make any difference though.

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