Dear PHPBuilder Staff,

If I was some low-post-count spammer it would not bother me so much...

If you are going to delete a post from the forum, it's nice to at least send a private message to the poster explaining why. In retrospect, I guess it should be obvious why you guys deleted the post (you know which one I am talking about), but it was still rude to just do it without any kind of notice.

Really... How hard is it to say "whoa, Zab... that was too much. we deleted the post, but please keep that kind of stuff to yourself." ??

I may be far from the best (or most patient) contributor here, but come on.

--Brian Z.

    I don’t mean to but in, but I’m going to because this is a public forum, and instead of posting the staff directly you have posted it in the forum.

    It sounds to me from the nature of the above post that you clearly understood why your post was deleted, and that even though you knew you continued to post it anyway.

    On top of that I personally feel that the PHP builder staff put a lot of work into this site and should not be bothered, just so you can justify your posts.

    Have you read the terms and conditions of this site?

      Thanks for your reply, Sheephat. I was 100% aware of the risks when posting to this forum, but alas:

      Feedback (5 Viewing)
      Speak directly with the PHP Builder Staff here

      The alternative is emailing, but since I don't know if this is a forum/moderator thing or a staff thing, I posted here. This way, if I am wrong, someone can move the post or tell me so. Sorry if I posted to the wrong spot, but according to the quote above, it's not wrong. Just public. I am ok with public.

      I don't want anything justified. I just want to be notified. That can be done in code so staff members never have to do a thing. Sorry to confuse you, but for one I don't like finding out I am subscribed to threads I have no posts in. Maybe this should be a bug report instead? Feature request?

      Anyways, if I am confusing the community and sounding worse than I want, I am sorry. You guys do a good job. Perhaps all I am is in the way here.

        I don't know about this particular post (I didn't delete it) but anytime you want to reach me directly, you can use the contact us link at the bottom of every forum page. That goes directly to my email.

          Well, that would be a violation of the AUP. A PM would probably still have been in order.

            Yep, it sure does.

            It says you deleted it, but you said you didn't. πŸ˜•

              Thanks Brad, yes there's 30 of em. Yes, I did delete it. I was probably busy and didn't send a PM. The post was a violation of the AUP and normally I would PM a warning in such cases. In this case something must've taken me away from it and I never got back. πŸ™‚


                Thank you for your replies. I do appreciate the time JPnyc puts into this, so I can accept that he has little time to speak for every action each takes.

                There is little more I can say, but I did some googling and came up with these links that may help JPnyc (and the other moderators) out a little bit:


                Thanks again,
                --Brian Z

                  Thanks for the links, but unfortunately those are for vBulletin 2.2.x, which was superseded approximately 5 years ago.

                    Sorry, I don't know much about vBulletin.. maybe somewhere amongst the excellent coders here is a small group who can retrofit it?

                    I wonder if there is a vBulletin release that coders can work on without buying a license....

                      It wouldn't be of much help. In situations like that it's really necessary to explain exactly why a thread was deleted, not send a blanket response. As far as I know vBulletin has no free version, but I could be mistaken.

                        6 days later

                        Well, I know if I wanted to I could create a modification to do just that; however, I'd be using a "nulled" or "hacked" version of vBulletin. Seeing as how I don't have the $80 or $160 for the software πŸ˜‰ If you are willing to pony up the dough, I'd be happy to do it πŸ™‚

                        But I suspect that even if I (or anyone) were to create a modification for here, it might not be implemented since even "upgrades" (3.4.x to 3.4.y or 3.4 to 3.5) are tedious to do (IIRC). I mean, getting vB 3.5 on here was like "pulling teeth" and they're now at 3.6.8 :eek: !! So it may not be as easy as just implementing a new feature πŸ™

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