So is it just me, or did we just get the ability for Quick Replies to be posted via AJAX? No more redirecting twice to come back to the same page!! Of course, if it's been this way for a while... oops :o
Hey!!! it works with editing too!!!
So is it just me, or did we just get the ability for Quick Replies to be posted via AJAX? No more redirecting twice to come back to the same page!! Of course, if it's been this way for a while... oops :o
Hey!!! it works with editing too!!!
I'm not telling.
Although, it didn't work for me first time :S had to reload the page.
No fair... I wanna know
I'm sorry, but my boss is Italian. If I disclose too much they'll find me in the weeds.
If I disclose too much they'll find me in the weeds.
Is that what happened to jstarkey?
SO I guess I shouldn't mention that I'm Italian And I've got 2 Italian brothers... that's enough to start a mafia
So perhaps you should tell me, otherwise your boss would be found in the bushes next to you
laserlight wrote:Is that what happened to jstarkey?
I'm not at liberty to say
bpat1434 wrote:SO I guess I shouldn't mention that I'm Italian
And I've got 2 Italian brothers... that's enough to start a mafia
So perhaps you should tell me, otherwise your boss would be found in the bushes next to you
You can't be any more Italian than I am, all four of my grandparents came here from Italy.
testing ajax
[edit] nice... [/edit]
try editing your post its sweeter than the quick reply.
Anyway, this usage is Ajax is the way it should be! Nice UI tweaks without trying to be something it isn't.
You can't be any more Italian than I am, all four of my grandparents came here from Italy.
No... no I can't...
Ain't it the bees knees?
i wanna try... been waiting for this for awhile... it's on another forum i visit and like it
dougal85 wrote:Anyway, this usage is Ajax is the way it should be! Nice UI tweaks without trying to be something it isn't.
It's even more than nicer UI: JPnyc has mentioned it's taken a significant load off the servers.
Interesting thats good to know. I've read various times that Ajax helps with traffic, however never actually seen any proof. If this had happened a month or two ago I'd have asked for some data for an Ajax essay I wrote for university.
well you have to figure on a forum that most people use quick reply. Now, if a thread has at least 40 posts, which is where it normally has a page break, that means the function that returns posts from the database on a new page load would have to iterate 40 times. So there's all that activity on the server that houses the database.
Now in addition to that, think of all the images, although they are small, they are still numerous. With Ajax nothing is returned at all and one record is written to the database. Now multiply that by the number of posts we get here per day. A significant saving of both bandwidth and server load.
I'd realised why. However, I've just never seen numbers. So its hard to get an idea of how much it can help without hard figures.
testing ajax.