Hi guys
I have only recently signed up to post on this forum but have been actively reading during my project and appreciate the wealth of info.
One of the pages in my php/mysql project is a standard table of results from a database. the last 2 cells on each row are links to other scripts that pass the ID of that particular row in the URL. http://phpbuilder.com/board/images/icons/icon1.gif
I have been fiddling with DW CS3 flash buttons in an attempt to pretty up the boring text links on each row, but I cant seem to find a way to get php code to work in the URL property..
ie, currently the code is :
<a href="editclient.php?id=<?echo $id;?>">Edit Client</a>
I want to pass this to the flash button object.
I realise dreamweaver can do databases and you can set dynamic fields etc etc but i dont want to use dreamweaver for my site, i dont really like it, just the flash buttons!
any ideas? or any other non dreamweaver solution for flash button with variables in the url?