Is there a way in Dreamweaver to make it interpret a certain file type as PHP or other (so the color coding schema works).
Example, I want (so .inc files) to be interpreted as PHP in Dreamweaver.
thanks in advance
Is there a way in Dreamweaver to make it interpret a certain file type as PHP or other (so the color coding schema works).
Example, I want (so .inc files) to be interpreted as PHP in Dreamweaver.
thanks in advance
Im not sure if this is possible, i would rename my files .php and set the htacces to accomodate this.
lol, just kidding!!!
Anyone else know if its possible? I've played and played with the dreamweaver menus...
in DW CS3 you need to edit the MMDocumentTypes.xml in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3\configuration\DocumentTypes folder on windows.
On line 75 you'll find:
<documenttype id="PHP_MySQL" servermodel="PHP MySQL" internaltype="Dynamic" winfileextension="php,php3,php4,php5" macfileextension="php,php3,php4,php5" file="Default.php" writebyteordermark="false">
just add ",inc" after the php5 in either winfileextension or macfileextension properties (or both doesn't matter as long as you change the one for your OS) so it looks like:
<documenttype id="PHP_MySQL" servermodel="PHP MySQL" internaltype="Dynamic" winfileextension="php,php3,php4,php5,inc" macfileextension="php,php3,php4,php5,inc" file="Default.php" writebyteordermark="false">
and restart DW
You can do this with any file extension for any coloring format that DW has too.
To my knowledge this is the only way to edit how file types are handled, i've looked through all the menus and couldn't find anything else.
I am assuming that your include file does not have any php code in it? If it does, you
can save you page as a .inc.php. If not, then I suppose Novacane's suggestion did it Great info Novocane.. I tried it on Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 with same results! Thanks.. I was wondering about that.
Jeremy, you might want to go to your 'Thread tools' at the top of the page and set the status to 'Mark Thread Resolved'. Will help visitors know that a solution was found for this particular problem.
this has just wrecked my dreamweaver u bum hole.
No need for the offensive language, this works fine on mine and has with others above. Are you getting an error? What version are you using,
CS3, n btw soz for the language.
This is my original file...
And if anyone would like to colourcode all html files as php change this...
line 3 to...
<documenttype id="HTML" internaltype="HTML" winfileextension="" macfileextension="" file="Default.html" writebyteordermark="false">
line 75 to...
<documenttype id="PHP_MySQL" servermodel="PHP MySQL" internaltype="Dynamic" winfileextension="php,php3,php4,php5,html,htm,shtml,shtm,stm,tpl,lasso,xhtml" macfileextension="php,php3,php4,php5,html,htm,shtml,shtm,stm,tpl,lasso,xhtml" file="Default.php" writebyteordermark="false">
worked fine with mine... CS3
why is PM'ing disabled on this board??? that stinks
Novacane, if you see this, can you contact via my site be clicking on my signature, I would of PM'd you this, but I'd like to give you something in reward for helping a bro out.
nrg_alpha wrote:I am assuming that your include file does not have any php code in it? If it does, you
can save you page as a .inc.php. If not, then I suppose Novacane's suggestion did itGreat info Novocane.. I tried it on Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 with same results! Thanks.. I was wondering about that.
They may... also want to do this with other extension I create/make up for my own personal OOP methods in PHP where I use extensions like .tpl, .thtml <-- wait, does that let you know too much about me?, etc.
why is PM'ing disabled on this board?
It is not disabled in general, it just happens that Novacane disabled it with a profile setting, or has insufficient posts for it to be enabled.