Our hosting company (Streamline) have upgraded their servers for php5 and now my php4 coding doesnt work.
Ive looked through various php5 migration help files but cant see anything relating to the 'include()' calls i use that seem to be failing now.
its a very simple bit of code but im stuck as to what to do now. Could someone please take a look and suggest what changes I may need to make to get it to work again?
this is the section that is failing:
<!-- start of dynamic page -->
switch ($pageid) {
case "1":
/ calls old basic contact php insert /
case "2":
/ calls latest contact php insert /
case "3":
/ calls thankyou html insert /
echo "Page not in use - click back on your browser.";
/ back up page for email submissions, will need FTP if required/
/include('standardemail.php'); /
/ calls standard email html insert /
<!-- end of dynamic page goes here -->
case "1" is never used and is only there as a backup should i need to work on case"2" while the site is live.
Users enter this page with pageid=2 which should then call the 'contact.php' include.
What happens since the server upgraded to php5 is it just skips to the default echo "Page not in use - click back on your browser."; catch.
I tried swapping out the include() calls to simplify things further and replaced them with simple echo "this is page 2"; but it still skips to the default "Page not in use".
The actually website and full coding can be seen here: