This is something I am personally looking into alot at the moment and could possibly be a useful forum considering from my experience its one of the most under documented aspects of PHP.

I don't mean for my OOPHP isn't working I mean for discussing techniques and methods/patterns.

    I agree. I think that the PHP5 forum could be refurbished as an OO concepts, design and implementation forum. Questions concerning upgrading from PHP 4 to PHP 5 would then just go to the Install forum, or the Coding forum, depending on whether the upgrade question concerns the installation or the code.

      This would be a good idea, considering the number of questions we get on it, it wouldn't hurt to have a specific forum for it. And the PHP5 forum doesn't get much activity as it currently is...

        Sounds good to me, possibly broadening it a bit, maybe calling it something like "PHP Objects, Patterns, and Design Methodologies"?

          That title sounds fine, Nog. Leaves it open to discuss different frameworks and such, too.

            Horizon88 wrote:

            And the PHP5 forum doesn't get much activity as it currently is...

            It actually gets a fair bit, but only rarely is it about upgrade issues. If the name was more explicit about that and less about the '5', it would be a bit more useful.

              little bit late to this thread... but yeah, I'd like to see this too!

                5 days later

                how about OOPHP(Object Oriented PHP) 🙂 lol, jk, i think i like the first one better...

                ::slowly backs away::

                  hi as PHP5 is OOPHP, it has class &, can we create an interface(all abstract methods) in php & implementing it ?

                    alpachino wrote:

                    hi as PHP5 is OOPHP, it has class &, can we create an interface(all abstract methods) in php & implementing it ?

                    This would have been better posted in the Coding or PHP5 forums, but the quick answer:

                    Class Abstraction
                    Object Interfaces

                      I would like to see an OO forum as well. Most people are posting PHP5 questions in the General Help or Coding forum, instead of PHP5, anyways.

                        Furthermore, the forum subtitle has to do with the next major release of PHP, which was PHP5, but is now PHP6 since PHP5 is out.

                          Kudose wrote:

                          Most people are posting PHP5 questions in the General Help or Coding forum, instead of PHP5, anyways.

                          Makes sense; the PHP 5 forum is for issues that arise from upgrading from PHP 4. As I noted above, it's something of a misnomer.


                            No doubt
                            a special ( OOP ) PHP 5 Object Orientated Programming forum
                            would be a great thing.

                            There are not too many such boards around, dedicated to Classes and Objects in PHP.
                            Tutorials, yes, but Forums, no.

                            Why not do this
                            .. before some other big PHP board does it ...

                            I think we can keep all the 'old categories' and just add 1 new category.
                            This would upset Google searches for older stuff the least.

                            What I have seen about members mentioning in this matter
                            I can not see why wait with doing this.

                            As I said, if you wont do it,
                            than some other will catch the need, the call for it among people.
                            And be the first one with 'this product' on the market.

                            For example, if Linux would have been first big OS for PC
                            I can not imagine Bill Gates beeing a rich
                            as Rockefeller
                            and micorsoft so dominant
                            as is a fact today.

                            just my thought,
                            based on my 50 years of experience on how things work
                            .. in this world of upside-down

                              But doesn't the PHP 5 forum more or less denote object-oriented programming?

                                But doesn't the PHP 5 forum more or less denote object-oriented programming?

                                If you poll the audience, you will find that Weedpacket and I believe that it is "for issues that arise from upgrading from PHP 4". On the other hand, I know that at least one other moderator disagrees and has moved a thread concerning upgrading from PHP4 to another forum. Then as Kudose has mentioned, the forum description itself says "Have questions about the next release of PHP? This is the forum for all things PHP5.", which is now the contradiction since the next release of PHP is PHP6.

                                Besides that, although PHP5 provides support for all the major OO paradigms, it keeps to PHP's tradition of being a procedural programming language (or perhaps to borrow a catch phrase from C++, PHP5 is a multi-paradigm programming language).

                                  Then perhaps we should change the forum description to leave less doubt as to its purpose.

                                    JPnyc wrote:

                                    Then perhaps we should change the forum description to leave less doubt as to its purpose.

                                    Is that the "royal we"?

                                    Anyway, is there any consensus as to what it's purpose is?

                                      4 days later

                                      PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (taken from the matt zandstra book title).

                                      I know I have personally used the coding and general forums for posting questions regarding OO concepts as it is unclear where to post.

                                      I think having a dedicated Objects, Patterns and Practice could open up the forum to a new/larger user base on the SEO side and general interest. PHP5 as a forum title means little on a PHP forum in my personal opinion anyway unless it was regarding upgrading and additions of php5 which is what i thought was the purpose of that board.

                                        Can we have a forum for functional programming concepts, and how to do it in PHP, too?