constance.kan wrote:Can I get round it by creating an Active Directory user?
You say you have ServerM running IIS. You can create an AD user called IUSR_ServerM (or anything else, actually - it's up to you) and assign it some random, secret password (make sure you remember it, though! :p).
On ServerM, open up the Services MMC module (in Administrative Tools) and find the IIS service... I'm pretty sure the one you need to change is the World Wide Web service or something similar (I don't have easy access to my W2k3 serves right now, so I can't give you exact instructions). If you go to the properties of that service and select the Log On tab, you can change the credentials that the service uses to start. Instead of using a local account, tell it to use the newly created domain account. It should then look like DOMAIN_NAME\IUSR_ServerM once you're done.
Then it's a simple matter of giving IUSR_ServerM (on the domain - NOT one of either server's local accounts) permissions in directories on other servers. Note that I believe you also should create another AD user for the worker process when it uses anonymous access - the IWAM_ServerM account, as there is a place within the IIS manager to specify which account to use; you'd want to switch this from the local IWAM_ServerM account to the one in your AD domain. Once you've made all of these changes, you should be able to disable both IUSR/IWAM local accounts on ServerM to verify that IIS is using the domain accounts now.
Again, sorry I couldn't give you exact instructions - I don't have access to my W2k3 servers right now. If you can't figure it out on your own, let me know and I'll try to post more exact instructions once I fix some VPN issues :p