I just got an email about a reply in a thread, and at the top were 3 or 4 lines with a link for an ad to internet.com. Is this new or was that a fluke? Not sure I like the ads in my email :queasy:
Ads in Notifications now?
Same! It is fairly annoying.
It's not too bad. I mean, it's just annoying to have the ads in the emails too. I allow them on this site (and this site only) because I frequent it so much. I'd rather not have to endure them in my emails now as well.
// Perhaps a toggle for mods to turn this feature off
:nudge: :nudge:
As an example of what I'm getting now, here's the email about benracer's reply to me:
eBook: Storage Networking, Part 2--Configuration and Planning
Sponsored by HP
Delve into best practices and cover the general concepts you must know before configuring SAN-attached storage. This guide examines configurations for SAN-attached servers and disk arrays, and also includes a look at the future of IP storage.
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! It is an automated notification email. Replies must be made directly to the forum.
Hello bpat1434,
benracer has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Ads in Notifications now? - in the Feedback forum of PHPBuilder.com.
This thread is located at:
http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/showthread.php?t=10353717&goto=newpostHere is the message that has just been posted:
Same! It is fairly annoying.
There may be other replies also, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.
PHPBuilder.com team
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It's a fairly good idea really. I bet no add blockers would stop it...
Doesn't bother me really, I can't say I'll ever read the adds or click on them however...