
I know pretty much the basics of php (that leigh thought me in his 20 movies, + 2 applications from dummies) And i tried some things myself, so I think after a while of practicing I'll be up n running my own apps (maybe a lot of practicing )

But what I want to knoo of you guyzzzz is da following (Sorry, i just played GTA IV and ya gotta love Little Jacob):

  • What are the best +points according to you in OOP?
  • Do you think this is the future?
  • Any other advantages in OOP?
  • Do you know any good articles about it (and link plz)?
  • Best place/movies/books/tutorials to learn it?

    Dummies i used PHP & Mysql for Dummies to learn OOP 3rd edition it is good and baisc till advanced. =) the internet is also a good source. hope to see your apps 😃

      drunkenfury wrote:

      What are the best +points according to you in OOP?

      The same as with any language. Encapsulation, code re-use, easier to do code and presentation separation. Just have a read around, places like wikipedia are not a bad starting point... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_oriented

      drunkenfury wrote:

      * Do you think this is the future?

      Yes, I don't know of any new languages of fads that are NOT based on OOP.

      drunkenfury wrote:

      Any other advantages in OOP?

      Same question as #1?

      drunkenfury wrote:

      * Do you know any good articles about it (and link plz)?

      wiki as above
      my favourite link; http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/627 - has some OO stuff. see part 7

      drunkenfury wrote:

      * Best place/movies/books/tutorials to learn it?

      Sorta the same question again... Google around, read as much as you can, try things, then ask questions if you get stuck.

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