I just installed PHP5 (and yes the zip file version) and apache 2.2.9. I am wanting to install my xslt processor, but have not found an adequate source of info to get this thing installed.
I've visited the php.net manual countless times, but still see nothing thorough enough there.
I've visited the dreamweaver developer center, in there article entitled, "configuring and testing php servers for xsl support," where it describes certain parts in detail about uncommenting ;extension=php_xsl.dll, and where to get the libxml2 and libxslt libraries (but, then makes no mention as to where to install them).
I've gone through, uncommented ";extension=php_xsl.dll",
and i've experiemented with placing the libxml2 and libxslt libraries in my php directory.
am I forgetting something else in my php.ini?
up to this point I still have not seen xsl or xslt appear in my phpini()
anyone and everyone's help would be greatly appreciated.