Hi Everyone
Need a simple batch file that displays only the IP address of the machine that is viewing my web app(form)
Prefer it to exclude the subnet/gateway etc and for it to be possible to be added to the database when the user enter all the required fields
I have a little problem here i have uploaded my system on server and my ip adress is showing a number incrementing from my ip that is if my ip adress is it will show and i really need the ip adress for my database when the user enter their details i want to see his/ip adress and it needs t be saved on the database.
There is a method of showing the ipconfig by creating a a batch file and then u name it ipconfig.bat and u have the link so that the users can click to view their ip can anyone help me with this how am i going to save that ip on my database pls help
the code im using now to sow my ip adress is
if ($IP=="")