Whenever I visit this site - I get the page "DST Settings Updated" it loops for about 7 times then takes me to the forum.
Is this intentional
Whenever I visit this site - I get the page "DST Settings Updated" it loops for about 7 times then takes me to the forum.
Is this intentional
What timezone are you in? I'm in EST and have it set in my profile and I don't see this issue.
I'm in central
I honestly have no idea. As long as it's set in your profile, I'm not sure what could be going on. I'll leave this one to JP.
I need information. What browser/OS, cookies and JavaScript enabled? do you log out when you leave? If you want to stop it right away you could turn off automatically detect DST settings in your user CP, that should stop it. I mean while we try and figure out what's going on.