Ok guys.. I have a suggestion that is worth really seriously considering..

Since PHP 6 is on its way (and with the advent changes that it will bring), there will undoubtedly be some confusion when some people don't rework their current website code to 'prepare' for version 6 when it starts to land on webhosting service provider servers everywhere.

I just finished posting a topic on the issue of the removal of magic quotes for example:


I seriously think it would be in the best interest of many people in this community to have a new forum (perhaps titled something along the lines of 'Preparing for PHP 6') for example and having a series of posts that discuss (in plain english) exactly what changes are going to be made in PHP 6 and how people can start preparing for those changes as soon as possible.

If these threads are posted by some of the phpbuilders moderators and other knowledgable members who can help assist the rest of this community by showing some current (and soon to be incorrect examples and some revision examples that demonstrate 'PHP 6 proof code', this could go a long way in clearing up some serious confusion down the road.

That way, when PHP 6 does hit, and people start balking.. there could be a nice collection of threads in this newly created forum that would answer people's questions and concerns...

What do you think?



    bradgrafelman;10879555 wrote:

    I think it's been mentioned before that the current PHP 5 thread is a misnomer; it was created back when PHP4 wasn't dead/dieing and PHP5 was the new kid on the block - that's why the description talks about "the next release of PHP."

    Ah I see...Well, renaming it it reflect PHP 6 would be a good start to be sure... I noticed that the description involves the next PHP, but it says everything PHP 5 (which at the time [when PHP 4 was the common and current] version, made sense). I still think having some prepared topics on upcoming changes and how to plan for those apects of your site that involve those changes (in otherwords, making sites 'PHP 6 bulletproof') would be a good idea.

    This would clear the air for people who want to start preparing for things now instead of 'getting caught with their pants down' so-to-speak when their hosting provider upgrades to PHP 6 (I am going to assume that while some hosting service providers may continue to support both versions 5 & 6 for a grace period to allow developers to transittion, that others may simply warn of changeover to version 6 only?).

    bradgrafelman;10879555 wrote:

    In other words, we could simply rename that form to PHP6, dump all of the posts into the general PHP forums, and begin to use it as you suggested - opening up discussions about how to transition from PHP(<6) to 6.

    I think that would work, yes. It keeps the forums 'up to date'. This is not to knock down the people who are running this site.. as I imagine it is no easy task.. especially as this community grows. But keeping things tidy and named appropriately would definitely help keep all the ducks stay in a row, you know?



      I'm not opposed to it, but I like to hear a few more people weigh in on it.

        How about simply renaming the PHP5 forum to "PHP Upgrade Issues" or something similarly generic (and more descriptive), and then just leave all the current threads in it?

          NogDog;10879614 wrote:

          How about simply renaming the PHP5 forum to "PHP Upgrade Issues" or something similarly generic (and more descriptive), and then just leave all the current threads in it?

          A more generic but well thought out title could work as well for sure. But I think as you mentioned, it would have to be a really distinct title (and have a very clear and concise description). This IMHO is very important.. I think the last thing you guys (and us regular jane and john does) need is what is starting to happen right now due to outdated description..

          'Have questions about the next release of PHP? This is the forum for all things PHP5'

          it is this particular part: 'This is the forum for all things PHP5.' that is starting to cause mal-placed threads. People are starting to put threads in there (because afterall, it is for eveything PHP5, right?) that really ought to be placed in one of the other better suited forums (Coding or General Help for example, as there are threads that have nothing to do with next PHP releases).

          By renaming the PHP5 forum to something that very clearly illustrates that it is intended for the next upcoming PHP release only (accompanied with an equally clear description) should show forum members that issues regarding PHP 5 should not be placed there, and instead placed in one of the more appropriate forums. And from there, we can start focusing on PHP 6 thread discussions to help better prepare people for this..



            That works. What about just "latest version of PHP upgrade issues"? Or, just "upgrading to the latest version of PHP".

              Here are my suggestions (obviously, you guys are in the driver's seat, so I'll just offer some titles that come to mind for you to ponder and evaluate)... Of course, feel free to mix-and-match or discard entirely 😉

              Forum Title suggestions:

              Next PHP Upgrade Issues

              PHP Upgrade Issues

              PHP Upgrade Info

              PHP Next

              Forum Description:

              All issues in this forum relate to the newest upcoming upgrade in PHP. Prepare today for PHP of tomorrow.

              All issues related to the next upgrade in PHP.

              Those are what come off the top of my head. Again, feel free to ponder, mix-and-match, refine or even outright discard. What's important is that the final decision is not rushed, but thought out carefully.



                Trying to keep things as terse yet meaningful (like good code):

                Title: "Upgrading PHP"

                Description: "Issues concerning PHP version upgrades and future releases"

                  NogDog;10879785 wrote:

                  Trying to keep things as terse yet meaningful (like good code):

                  Title: "Upgrading PHP"

                  Description: "Issues concerning PHP version upgrades and future releases"

                  Best suggestion so far 🙂 You have my vote!



                    I'm going with the dog's suggestion. Changes forthcoming... stay tuned.

                      Works for me 🙂
                      I'll get started in on writing a FAQ. Like to hear from anyone with suggestions about what to put in it (pointers to the manual's migration pages, obviously; checking the ini file for configuration changes; head-ups like nrg_alpha's one about magic quotes (there's quite a few in PHP6); and I was thinking about suggesting that if the posts' subjects mentioned both the source and target versions of PHP so that 4-->5, 5-->6 and 5.2-->5.3 etc. issues can be more quickly distinguished from each other).

                        This article looks like a good starting point for what will be new and what will be removed in PHP6.

                          bradgrafelman;10879886 wrote:

                          I think we should pay careful attention to these types of topics; maybe we can convince users just how "deprecated" some of the common practices are by saying "Hey, look, this isn't even feasible in PHP6 - you actually must clean up the code and do it right, or not at all."

                          As it turns out, the code I have running on my site IS PHP 5 & 6 bulletproof:

                             $_POST['textarea'] = stripslashes($_POST['textarea']); 

                          I'm referencing this thread for those not familiar:

                          the issue (or rather, concern) over magic quotes and what that meant for me and my site with that current snippet of code. Of course, there was mass confusion (admittedly, solely on my part) with regards to what exactly the magic_quotes directive actually does (which I know now).

                          So in this case, as it turned out, I was on the right path (even with the misunderstanding). But I would be interested in knowing the more common (incorrect methods) with regards to this issue that could be potentially harmful and thus backfire once PHP 6 does arrive.



                            Is this 'yet another issue' I should become concerned with? I was mainly regarding the use of quotes.. not so much anything else (as initially, when I would test my form and enter stuff like -- it's --, I would get back -- it\'s -- The current code does do the trick. In that sense, it seems to be bulletproof.

                            I'll now have to look up magic_quotes_sybase and see what that's all about.

                            Then of course, there is the issue of ereg(POSIX) in my site...I regret learning that first before PCRE.. so now I have to go back and start changing that over.. man, this web development feels much like a moving target sometimes 🙁



                              I was thinking about suggesting that if the posts' subjects mentioned both the source and target versions of PHP so that 4-->5, 5-->6 and 5.2-->5.3 etc. issues can be more quickly distinguished from each other

                              This version of vBulletin allows for prefixing threads. We could list them and make it a required field for that forum. Something like:

                              • 3 to 4 (shudder)

                              • 4 to 5

                              • 5.0 to 5.x

                              Keeping it general enough to know whether it's old code, or newer code within a recent release update.

                              I use this system over at roundcubeforum.net and it's so much easier to see who's asking about what version of the software.

                                bpat1434;10880435 wrote:

                                This version of vBulletin allows for prefixing threads. We could list them and make it a required field for that forum. Something like:

                                • 3 to 4 (shudder)

                                • 4 to 5

                                • 5.0 to 5.x

                                Keeping it general enough to know whether it's old code, or newer code within a recent release update.

                                I use this system over at roundcubeforum.net and it's so much easier to see who's asking about what version of the software.

                                I have a suggest that extends on bpat&#8217;s suggestion (which I think is a good one by the way).

                                If you have a look at this forum&#8217;s sample thread (some damn awesome 3d modeled cars.. but I digress): http://www.cg-cars.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4242

                                Look at the forum member&#8217;s stats (below the avatar). Notice the &#8216;My System&#8217; link? Clicking on this creates a dropdown like panel that reveals the user&#8217;s system information.

                                I think this would be useful here as well. Reason being, if someone is trying a function that they perhaps came across in the PHP manual, but didn&#8217;t realize that their version is not advanced enough to support what they are trying to code, it gives other forum members the option to see which current version of PHP they are running (and thus point out that their version does not support what they are trying to do). It could be useful in troubleshooting any incompatibility issues..

                                Perhaps having the option to include both localhost info as well as webhost info could further help in troubleshooting.. Not sure if info like OS and such would be needed.. you guys would know what kind of useful information could be applicable here&#8230; But being able to list dual settings (localhost and webhost) could help further troubleshoot problems&#8230;


                                Forum member 1:
                                &#8220;I got this code snippet working at home, but when I uploaded it to my online website, it doesn&#8217;t work..any ideas as to why?&#8221;

                                Forum member 2:
                                &#8220;Yep, according to your system setup, your web host is running PHP 4? MY god man&#8230; that function didn&#8217;t get implemented till 5.2.1.. no wonder it works at home but not online. Change providers ASAP!!&#8221;

                                Snap, crackle & pop, baby! See the potential here? 😃

                                In any case, when I read bpat&#8217;s suggestion, I though of this and figured I would bring this to your attention. And yeah, I think bpat&#8217;s idea is a good one for sure.



                                P.S Going perhaps one step even further, if the forum had the ability to tap into the 'My Settings', read the current PHP info (if the user has entered any), and embed this at the top of the thread.. admittedly, this calls for extra prgramming work.. but having such an automated system would be soooo cool! :p

                                Ok.. I'm done.

                                  If the user's security settings allowed what you describe, he's got a lot bigger problems than getting his script to execute. 🙂

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