What I've done is allow visitors to upload pictures of themselves along with a short description of who they are using HTML Forms. The form is then sent to me via email, and I upload it to the website. Now I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that the image that's uploaded must first go through a server side, because it's moved to a folder called "tmp." Therefore, I have a PHP script that moves it to my destination folder, and then renames the file to its original file name.
The issue is, when I receive the emails sent via form, the file's name is still "tmp/2140712.jpg" instead of it's original file name. But because it has already been moved, the file that was once "tmp/2140712.jpg" is now "thisisme.jpg." This was okay for a while, but I've been starting to receive multiple uploads at once, and I can no longer decipher which picture is which.