Hello everyone
I'm struggling to explain this to myself so bare with me as I try to explain the problem...
Basically I've setup a new server with PHP and MySQL (Latest Versions) and I'm experiencing a strange issue when pages load.
When a page loads all the content on the page loads but the blue bar in my browser kind of pauses for a few seconds and then seemingly finishes loading the page. The content is already on the page though and there is no reason for the page to pause the loading process.
Thing is the exact same files and database on our old server ran and still runs without this issue. So I'm confused as to what could possibly cause this.
Thing I've checked...
PHP Code, Includes etc
Client Side Code
Network / Internet Connection
I suspect it may have something to do with CGI but I'm only guessing.
Unfortunately due to the data containing employee information, I can't let you view what I'm experiencing so hopefully you can get a good picture from my description.
Please Help!