I want to create AIR applications. I have downloaded the current AIR app and the current SDK files. I have followed a few different tutorials about creating an air app. Each tutorial works fine when testing the created files against the adl.exe file. My issues arise when i try to publish the actual AIR file in the command line.

I am able to create the PFX file fine using a command similar to -

C:\apache2triad\htdocs\air\sdk\bin>adt -certificate -cn SelfSigned 1024-RSA samp
leCert.pfx samplePassword

But when i try to create the AIR file like this -

C:\apache2triad\htdocs\air\sdk\bin>adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore samp
leCert.pfx HelloWorld.air C:\apache2triad\htdocs\air\projects\HelloWorld\HelloWo
rld-app.xml C:\apache2triad\htdocs\air\projects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.html C:\ap

I get the the following message with no resulting AIR file -

absolute path: C:\apache2triad\htdocs\air\projects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.html
  adt -checkstore SIGNING_OPTIONS
  adt -certificate -cn <name> ( -ou <org-unit> )? ( -o <org-name> )? ( -c <count
ry> )? <key-type> <pfx-file> <password>
  adt -help
  adt -migrate SIGNING_OTIONS <air-file-in> <air-file-out>
  adt -package SIGNING_OPTIONS <air-file> <app-desc> FILE_ARGS
  adt -prepare <airi-file> <app-desc> FILE_ARGS
  adt -sign SIGNING_OPTIONS <airi-file> <air-file>
  adt -version

SIGNING_OPTIONS: -storetype <type> ( -keystore <store> )? ( -storepass <pass> )?
 ( -keypass <pass> )? ( -providerName <name> )? ( -tsa <url> )?
FILE_ARGS: <fileOrDir>* (( -C <dir> <fileOrDir>+ ) | ( -e <file> <path> ))*

I believe the actual error within it is.. WHY? -

absolute path: C:\apache2triad\htdocs\air\projects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.html

Also other attempts have resulted in the error message saying "not enough arguments" then giving the same "usage" help as above.

I REALLY need to figure this out. Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you, Cesar

    I think that you are in the wrong forum. This forum is for PHP (hence the name phpbuilder).

      Obviously it's not PHP. but since this exact section is the form is MISC TOOLS i think it should be okay. many PHP developers possibly have as well have used AIR.

      BTW, What is your comment supposed to result in? Forums are for help.. try helping or please don't try at all.

        I am trying to help. The help is not the solution to the problem in hand, but help on how you would get an answer.

        About the section MISC TOOLS: I see a tool as something you use with the language, something that helps you to be more productive. Obviously you think that a tool may be another language. That is fine, it's just that we don't agree. I'm not saying that my opinion is worth more than your. But with my opinion about a tool it is easy to understand why I don't think this question belongs in these forums.

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