hi i'm trying to install nuke-php 8.1on my mandriva 2008 pwp apche install but da my pre-installation check
i'm getting
Pre-installation check for:
PHP-Nuke 8.1 (Release Date: May 03, 2007)
If any of these items are highlighted in red then please take actions to correct them. Failure to do so could lead to your PHP-Nuke installation not functioning correctly.
PHP version >= 4.3.0 Yes
- zlib compression support Available
- GD graphics support Unavailable
- MySQL support Unavailable
config.php Writeable
Recommended settings:
These settings are recommended for PHP in order to ensure full compatibility with PHP-Nuke.
However, PHP-Nuke will still operate if your settings do not quite match the recommended
Directive Recommended Actual
Safe Mode: OFF: OFF
Display Errors: ON: OFF
File Uploads: ON: ON
Magic Quotes GPC: ON: OFF
Magic Quotes Runtime: OFF: OFF
Register Globals: OFF: OFF
Output Buffering: OFF: OFF
Session auto start: OFF: OFF
Files Permissions:
In order for PHP-Nuke to function correctly it needs to be able to access or write to certain files. If you see "Unwriteable" you need to change the permissions on the file to allow PHP-Nuke to write to it.

config.php Writeable
ultramode.txt Writeable
how dddo i resolve the
GD graphics support Unavailable
- MySQL support Unavailable
i googeld it only think i'm getting is the info for windows problem but my is linux problem can't find no refrence for GD graphics support in my rpms ak urpmi so can give me some info i do use winmin for some of my config's

    Install the GD and MySQL extensions on your web server. If you use a distro with a package manager like yum it should be as easy as:

    [root@youserver ~]# yum install php-gd php-mysql
      Servyces;10891077 wrote:

      Install the GD and MySQL extensions on your web server. If you use a distro with a package manager like yum it should be as easy as:

      [root@youserver ~]# yum install php-gd php-mysql

      i found the missing files mandriva use urpmi
      thanks on that
      Now i'm stuck after the install my browser won't get the page up bye viewing the page
      Unable to connect

      Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8080.

      *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
      *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
      *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
            that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

      it was called up with http://localhost:8080/index.php
      do i have to have the port for MySQL open if yes what is the port # , my apche is running on port 8080 i have one site(page running port 80 there it's http://www.panthercove.com) this is the site i like to change to php later, but i need to lern first how to use php

        webpanther54;10891096 wrote:

        Now i'm stuck after the install my browser won't get the page up bye viewing the page
        Unable to connect

        Verify if your web server is still running with the command:

        [root@yourserver ~]# /sbin/service httpd status

        If it's not up, restart the service, if it is up, check the error log for any explanations. (In Mandriva it's probably located in /etc/log/httpd/error_log)

        webpanther54;10891096 wrote:

        do i have to have the port for MySQL open if yes what is the port #

        By default MySQL is running on port 3306. You can verify if it's running by just typing 'mysql' in the command line prompt (if the root MySQL user has no password set yet, which is usally the case after a fresh install).

          yes you can see the page it's running on port 80 www.panthercove.com. but on now the browser will give me
          The page isn't redirecting proper

          Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

          *   This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept

          i have set a admin password for MySQL

            webpanther54;10891101 wrote:

            yes you can see the page it's running on port 80 www.panthercove.com. but on now the browser will give me
            The page isn't redirecting proper

            Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

            Can you post the source code of the index.php file?

              in php-nuke are 39 index files i don't know what it trying to load

                webpanther54;10891119 wrote:

                i will if you tell me how??

                You can open the file named 'index.php' into any text editor and copy/paste it's contents here. There should only be one file that's called like this in the root directory of the site.

                  This is in my root /home/webpanther54/var/www/html/php/html
                  index.php is


                  / PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System /

                  / ============================================ /

                  / /

                  / Copyright (c) 2007 by Francisco Burzi /

                  / http://phpnuke.org /

                  / /

                  / This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify /

                  / it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by /

                  / the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. /



                  global $prefix, $db, $admin_file;

                  if (isset($op) AND ($op == "ad_click") AND isset($bid)) {

                  $bid = intval($bid);
                  $sql = "SELECT clickurl FROM ".$prefix."_banner WHERE bid='$bid'";
                  $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
                  list($clickurl) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
                  $clickurl = filter($clickurl, "nohtml");
                  $db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_banner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE bid='$bid'");
                  Header("Location: ".htmlentities($clickurl));


                  $modpath = '';

                  define('MODULE_FILE', true);

                  $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = "modules.php";

                  $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT main_module from ".$prefix."_main"));

                  $name = $row['main_module'];

                  define('HOME_FILE', true);

                  if (isset($url) AND is_admin($admin)) {

                  $url = urldecode($url);
                  echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=$url\">";


                  if ($httpref == 1) {

                  if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                  $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
                  $referer = check_html($referer, "nohtml");
                  if (eregi("nuke_", $referer) && eregi("into", $referer) && eregi("from", $referer)) {
                  	$referer = "";
                  if (!empty($referer) && !stripos_clone($referer, "unknown") && !stripos_clone($referer, "bookmark") && !stripos_clone($referer, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
                  	$result = $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_referer VALUES (NULL, '".$referer."')");
                  $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_referer"));
                  if($numrows>=$httprefmax) {
                      $result2 = $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_referer");


                  if (!isset($mop)) { $mop="modload"; }

                  if (!isset($mod_file)) { $mod_file="index"; }

                  $name = trim($name);

                  if (isset($file)) { $file = trim($file); }

                  $mod_file = trim($mod_file);

                  $mop = trim($mop);

                  if (stripos_clone($name,"..") || (isset($file) && stripos_clone($file,"..")) || stripos_clone($mod_file,"..") || stripos_clone($mop,"..")) {

                  die("You are so cool...");

                  } else {

                  $ThemeSel = get_theme();
                  if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/module.php")) {
                  	if (is_active("$default_module") AND file_exists("modules/$default_module/".$mod_file.".php")) {
                  		$name = $default_module;
                  if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/modules/$name/".$mod_file.".php")) {
                  	$modpath = "themes/$ThemeSel/";
                  $modpath .= "modules/$name/".$mod_file.".php";
                  if (file_exists($modpath)) {
                  } else {
                  	define('INDEX_FILE', true);
                  	if (is_admin($admin)) {
                  		echo "<center><font class=\"\"><b>"._HOMEPROBLEM."</b></font><br><br>[ <a href=\"".$admin_file.".php?op=modules\">"._ADDAHOME."</a> ]</center>";
                  	} else {
                  		echo "<center>"._HOMEPROBLEMUSER."</center>";



                    ok i haved some info ad the install of Nuke-PHP 8.1 in one page it was the info

                    Super User Administrator Creation
                    The default Super User or Admin ID is admin and this can be changed later from your administration panel.

                    Enter your e-mail address, this will be the e-mail address of the site Super User.

                    Set your password. The system provides a random generated password. This password is CaSe sensitive and will be used to enter the administration panel of your site. Write something you can remember or write it in a secure place because the password can't be recovered and will be saved into the database crypted with MD5.
                    Admin ID:
                    Your Site URL:
                    Your E-mail:

                    Admin password:
                    For security reasons is reccomended that you change the admin.php file name after the installation and then set the new name in config.php file. Tor this purpouse you must edit the variable named $admin_file with the exact new admin.php file name. The .php extension should not be written, just the new file name.


                    and i did the last 2 lines now i'm getting this in my browser page

                    Access forbidden!

                    You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

                    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
                    Error 403
                    plus i checked the mysql in konsole mode
                    [webpanther54@panthercove ~]$ mysql
                    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
                    [webpanther54@panthercove ~]$ su
                    [root@panthercove webpanther54]# mysql
                    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
                    [root@panthercove webpanther54]#

                    when i check with Webmin ore in my service running it is (mysql) but how can i fix that to

                      i made a test on my apache to see if virtual host is running
                      [root@panthercove html]# /etc/init.d/httpd configtest_vhosts
                      Checking configuration sanity for apache: [Mon Oct 27 17:44:48 2008] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
                      VirtualHost configuration:
             panthercove.org (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:1125)
                      wildcard NameVirtualHosts and default servers:
                      default:443 panthercove.org (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/01_default_ssl_vhost.conf:13)
                      Syntax OK
                      [ OK ]
                      [root@panthercove html]#
                      so it tells me the server is running wright???

                        webpanther54;10891242 wrote:

                        i made a test on my apache to see if virtual host is running
                        [root@panthercove html]# /etc/init.d/httpd configtest_vhosts
                        Checking configuration sanity for apache: [Mon Oct 27 17:44:48 2008] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
                        VirtualHost configuration:
               panthercove.org (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:1125)
                        wildcard NameVirtualHosts and default servers:
                        default:443 panthercove.org (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/01_default_ssl_vhost.conf:13)
                        Syntax OK
                        [ OK ]
                        [root@panthercove html]#
                        so it tells me the server is running wright???

                        No, what that command is telling you is that the syntax of the httpd.conf file is without any errors and you should have no trouble starting the httpd service.

                        /etc/init.d/httpd status

                        should tell if it's running, or otherwise try starting it with

                        /etc/init.d/httpd start

                          root@panthercove webpanther54]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
                          apache is already running.
                          [root@panthercove webpanther54]#
                          but still my nuke page wont run

                          Access forbidden!

                          You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

                          If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
                          Error 403
                          Apache/2.2.6 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-8.2mdv2008.0)

                          ore it's my permission for apache server to run php??
                          i see the same page ad my ip address here what is my nuke page following the instruction of install from my browser
                          and i did chmod -R 775 the main dir in this case /home/webpanther54/var/www/html/php/html

                            Ok i found out a simple risen why the page didn't came up .
                            First log i had to use now i can see the data base of nuke
                            ok so how do i build now a site i normaly use namo web editor 2008 for html sites ?
                            can some one show me how to use now nuke do create one?I'm still new with php it's still like a secret do me the coding and spl so be kind and pation 😉

                              did you gus know of this writing if yes why is there not a second ore new link to that electric Dice program ore some info how to change it to a new number ( Site ID) if any one hase it on his/hers drive whos reading this please send a reply

                              milsim writes "MilSim.net released a major update to Electric Dice - a must have tool for all serious PHP-Nuke administrators. Electric Dice evolved from a simple PHP-Nuke site key generator into a multi-function password generator, MD5/SHA digest calculator and base64 string converter. Electric Dice is unique as it generates true random strings and numbers based not on pseudo-random algorithms (as used by PHP), but real life random sources (atmospheric noise or human input).

                              Introduction PHP-Nuke site key is an important but often overlooked security feature. It is used in generating security codes for authentication and resource access (e.g. security codes) purposes. Each installation of PHP-Nuke system requires choosing a unique site key, and this is where Electric Dice steps in - it helps you generate true random site keys that can be easily pasted into the config.php file. Moreover, you can use Electric Dice to create new random passwords for your users and matching MD5 hashes for insertion in the database (e.g. using phpMyAdmin). Download This software is offered completely free to PHP-Nuke users community. Both Windows GUI and command line Linux versions are available - you can download Electric Dice from Mil-Sim website (free registration required). You may need to install Microsoft .NET Framework (Windows GUI version) or Mono (UNIX CLI) which is necessary for Electric Dice to run. New features

                              * Added a new password, alphanumeric string, PHP-Nuke site key generator
                              * Added calculation of MD5, SHA1 and derived digests (e.g. SHA256) from generated or user entered strings
                              * Added base64 string conversion
                              * Added offline mode enabling the generation of true random strings (passwords, etc.) on local machine. Offline mode is now enabled by default, only PHP-Nuke site keys can be generated using online generator service.
                              * Improved user interface

                              About us Military
                              Research and Simulations Initiative (Mil-Sim.net) is an organization specializing in information systems security, and military and strategic studies. Our activities include software development, consulting, and research on weapons systems and orders of battle." Software

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