I am trying to learn PHP, but first want to set up an IDE on my MacBook, because others have said it will speed up the learning process.

I installed Eclipse PDT All-In-One v2.0.0M2 and it seems to work, but the "code completion" and "function list" features don't work.

Without those features working, I might as well use TextEdit?!

What am I doing wrong??



    I don't use PDT, so can't really help you. If no one else here can, you could try searching the eclipse.tools.pdt newsgroup.

    As far as an IDE being defined by code completion and function list features (which I sometimes find irritating anyway), I wouldn't go that far. But if you can't get it figured out for Ecliplse/PDT, there are a number of other options, such as Aptana Studio (also Eclipse based and what I currently use), PHPDesigner (not open source but not too expensive, though on 2nd thought I think that's Windows only), and assorted other editors/IDEs you can read about in the "Echo Lounge" forum here with a little searching.

      Hi amy, you could get Dreamweaver for MAC, which does support code completion, and provides function hints for multiple languages. Plus, it allows you to jump into 'design' mode instantaneously, which should be helpful for a PHP beginner.

        8 days later

        Notepad++ does the trick and is free
        I think you have to download the PHP api or something I read the intro quickly
        Code completion is a nice to have but your best friend will be php.net and this forum for sure specially if PHP is your first language.
        You can also use PHPDesigner which is something I tried and though of okay specially if you dont intend on using WYSWYG editor. I believe you can downlaod and trial it for free.
        Dreamweaver is very helpful if you like seeing design and shifting things over visually and it does a good job at code completion it's what I use.
        Enjoy and welcome to PHP we have members only jackets at the gift shop

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