
I searched and fighted for hours with a problem concerning member-variables, which are defined in PHP5-style (using 'private', 'protected', 'public' instead of 'var'): I just cant get them to be displayed in the documentation.

I've tried these constallations (inside of a class-body of course):

 * @var string Description of variable 
public $myVar; 
 * Description of variable 
 * @var string  
*/ public $myVar;

Either way - they are ingored by phpdocumentor. If I use the 'var'-keyword instead of 'public' they get displayed as they should.

I'd be very thankful for any advise


    Hmm...I've not had any such problem. What version of PHPDocumentor are you using?

      I'm using version 1.4.1 - concerning the Changelogs and Bugreports, the php5-syntax should work in this version.

        I've found the problem:

        No Tokenizer support detected, so using default (slower) Parser...
        for faster parsing, recompile PHP without --disable-tokenizer.

        This warning is quite misleading, because the tokenizer is obviously also needed for interpretation of member vars and constants.



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