codeigniter is oop and it supports php4. the big changes from php4 to php5 is the oop part. but codeigniter current version still uses php4.

are there any other same kind frameworks, which is clean, clear, simple and oop like codeigniter but based on php5 not php4?

will codeigniter have a new version soon totally based on php5?

    blackhorse wrote:

    will codeigniter have a new version soon totally based on php5?

    Have you considered asking them? 🙂

      blackhorse wrote:

      will codeigniter have a new version soon totally based on php5?

      Have you considered asking them? 🙂

        there was a thread in their forum discussing this since 2007. Just thought if there are codeigniter experts here may have some inside information.

        Well, even I am on php5 but still many other hosting not support php5 yet. on second thought, it supports both php4 and php5, makes it more portable.

          Yes, CI has chosen to continue to support PHP4 due to so many hosts still not supporting PHP 5. However, that does not stop you from using CI in a PHP 5 environment nor does it stop you from using PHP 5 features in any of the controllers, models, libraries, helpers, or views you create to use with it.

          And of course it does not stop you from using some other PHP-5-only framework, if you'd prefer. 🙂

            If you want a pure PHP 5 implementation of CI, look at Kohana ( ). They're based off of CI, but claim to be fully PHP 5 (i.e. not supporting php 4)

              thanks! I will try that out now.

              Just installed. They have this Gmap module built in which is what I was looking for. Gmaps – Google Maps integration, geolocation, and API support.

                bpat1434, kohana does not have good documentation ready yet. and codeigniter's document doesn't work on it. Any advices? Thanks!

                  My personal opinion is that kohana also has some funky standards to which developers must adhere. (i.e, you must use tabs instead of spaces...) <shrug>

                    As NogDog already said, theres no stopping you to make your own controllers,models and libraries "pure PHP5" if you want. It hasnt stopped me doing so 🙂

                      I use code igniter all the time, really, if you want to enforce PHP5 code use __constructor() instead of the class name for your constructor. They are subtle differences really. They just don't want your site to break if you (for some reason I can't fathom--jk) are using PHP4. Again, the differences are subtle, and things like Active Record (CI's database abstraction) have PHP5-only functionality like method chaining. Not a big deal. Dive in CI if you like the documentation better.

                        I should add, I have also implemented my own framework in pure PHP5 for websites that either vary alot from the norm in MVC pattern (example, a travel site where I want to inject geo tokens among the controller/action patterns--even though--CI could have handled this. Or to make my framework leaner.) The point was to get the MVC framework Here's a good tutorial to describe how it's done. I used this for my own reference come to mind.

                        I just use CI for smaller projects (just started to use it recently in fact) because I like access to all the helper functions and other RAD stuff.

                          Thanks! Kohana seems more different from code igniter as I assumed. And I cannot find enough good documents of Kohana, for now, I will stay with Code Igniter.

                          I am trying to use php5, code igniter etc. to rewrite a line of applications (most of them related to Google Map API, Google Direction API, Google Base etc.) from procedural programming codes to OOP codes. Hope that I picked the right tool, Code Igniter.

                            Be sure to make good use of the forums over there at CI. Them seem pretty helpful.

                              If you're doing a lot of Google Data stuff, take a look at the Zend Framework. They've got a bunch of Gdata classes that you may find helpful (in one way or another). They can be used stand-alone with CI/Kohana/CakePHP or as part of a ZF project.

                                2 months later


                                1) when you use your own MVC framework, will the site just be on your own framework? Or you somehow merge your own MVC Framework with the CI framework etc.?

                                2) also it comes with the same question like your own code base (such as your own framework) vs. 3rd party popular code base (such as codeigniter). in which cases, your own framework will be used, better than 3rd party? do you face the situations like your client or your employer won't want you use your own framework even it is better because "you are the only one who knows your own framework well" and they (your client or your employer) won't want to be locked into it?

                                  1) I wrote my own php mvc based on code and ideas from that link I previously posted. This is framework tailored to my project entirely (and not finished yet as a matter of fact.)

                                  2) I wrote my own because I wanted to make some very different "core" decisions for routing etc. As I mentioned, CI could have handled some of my routing issues but I didn't know it at the time. I wanted to make my project-specific framework very lean. Finally, this is a brand website that, if sold, I would think strange to sell it built upon Code Igniter.

                                    For years, I have used my own code base. Lean, clean, specific purpose and simple. As a matter fact, from one specific purpose system to another, or from one specific routing to another is very easy. Mass replace some fields names, add some extra fields and that is it.

                                    But I do face the issues that the clients or employers on the market now even they like my portfolio very much but they wouldn't want to use my own code base. They want to go to WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. I have experience in most of these CMS but I didn't focus on one.

                                    Now I think while keeping my own code base, still I need to use some popular 3rd party more frequently just in case. WordPress is based on blog not general purpose. Drupal is without good doc (last time I checked). Joomla I am not crazy about it.

                                    But codeigniter is clean and simple and well documented. Plus EE is on codeIgniter (or codeIgniter borrows codes from EE like they claimed.)

                                    My plan is

                                    1) use codeIgniter as framework.
                                    2) use EE as CMS
                                    3) still keep my own code base but begin to transfer them to CodeIgniter Framework. (it won't be difficult. my own code base is MVC likely anyway.)

                                    My question is should I use the resource from your link (I like it, clean and simple) to build my own framework and transfer my old code base to it or use CI as the framework to transfer my own code base to it?

                                    1) you are not using codeIgniter for your brand web site is not because the license issue of CI, but because your feeling, right? brand web site can be built on CI and sold without license issue, right?

                                    2) what else make you decided that use the source from the link you gave before and build your own Framework instead of use CI for the brand web site? because your own framework will be cleaner and leaner than CI so give your freedom to build your own branding code base?


                                      blackhorse;10917000 wrote:

                                      1) you are not using codeIgniter for your brand web site is not because the license issue of CI, but because your feeling, right? brand web site can be built on CI and sold without license issue, right?

                                      Yes, just preference mostly. If it were purchased, I'd prefer the tech to be ours and not based on a 3rd party framework. As for development for our clients, I'm using CI heavily now because CI has such awesome documentation. If they move their stuff, they just need another "CI guy" to maintain the code.

                                      I also had my own base classes for years. Many client websites still use them but I'm finding that it's easier for me and my other colleague to collaborate using CI because of that great documentation. Also, it just seems much better optimized than my stuff (better modularized.)

                                      blackhorse;10917000 wrote:

                                      2) what else make you decided that use the source from the link you gave before and build your own Framework instead of use CI for the brand web site? because your own framework will be cleaner and leaner than CI so give your freedom to build your own branding code base?

                                      Just because that's what I found googling and I wanted to see an example of a PHP MVC framework. The MVC concepts I like are separation of logic and layout and the registry idea of keeping all classes in scope (if they are needed: modularity.) CI had nothing to do with my decision, MVC had everything to do with it.

                                      And also yes, I wanted to do a "bare bones" framework for keeping it light and making it work specifically with my project.

                                        So web2bb is you bare bones of your own framework?

                                        I am thinking about taking the same road too. web2bb claims to be on >5.3.0. Currently my hosting is 5.2.9. Do you now if it would be OK. Web2bb has no doc yet.
