I have an centos 5.2 x86 for server at, and windows 7 x64 for client at

I tried to set up "ssh turnnelling" according to nusphere's guide as follows.

1) Setting up php debugger communications with SSH

  1. Start PhpED - PHP IDE. Make sure that Tools->Settings->IDE->Run&Debug has
    use custom port and host box checked localhost written for Debugger host

-> Debugger port: 7869
-> Debugger host: test.dyndns.org

  1. open php.ini on the server and make sure that debugger.hosts_allow contains localhost alone:

debugger.hosts_allow=localhost,,, test.dyndns.org
debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16

  1. run ssh on your client computer and connect it to the server using the command below:

ssh -R localhost:7869:localhost:7869 serveraccount@server

-> ssh -R 7869:localhost:7869 tester@test.dyndns.org

2) At this stage, I followed this guide for checking "ssh turnelling"

Troubleshooting php debugger communications: dbg and PhpED are installed on the same network or there is no SSH tunneling setup between their machines

Make sure that SSH client is running on your PhpED machine and that debugging over SSH is properly setup as described here

Login to server (the machine where dbg is installed and running)

Open a console on this server

Run telnet command like this: "telnet localhost 7869" If communications are working Ok you'll see black dot inside the white circle in DbgListener icon and something like "01.01.2004 11:11:14 client connected" in the DbgListener log window. Please note that 7869 is a default DbgListener port. If you changed that value, please enter the port number used by DbgListener. To check which port is used by DbgListener please look at PhpED's Tools->Settings->debugger->Debugger port

So, the result of "telnet localhost 7869" at server is here.

[root:localhost:~]# telnet localhost 7869
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is ']'.

As you can see this result is dufferent from this guide.

Any help/comment would be appreciated.

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