Hello all,

I am having problems with using Xampp. I have installed it and have both php and mysql runnning but cant seem to see my php pages

when ever i enter localhost it just goes to http://localhost/xampp/

i have my website in htdocs/mysite

when i type http://localhost/htdocs/mysite/index.php it just comes up with object not found

any help would be great


    i have tried that. Do i need to edit any apache files??

      Thats a good question!

      XAMPP should work right from the install without any need to adjust apache files.

      Are you able to run the XAMPP control panel application?
      Does the control panel show Apache as running?

      If you answered yes to both questions click on the “admin” button and launch the admin web page.

      On the left navigation panel check out status to see if everything you need is active, also the phpinfo() link to verify PHP is running.

      If both the links work then double check your file names.
      Make sure you don’t have the classic windows extension problem /feature where extensions are hidden.
      Your file name might actually be index.php.txt but it only shows index.php in the explorer window.
      This happens when you right click and create a new text file, then change the name.
      If you are not set to view extensions this is easy to miss!
      Also do regular web pages work, that you created? Like Index.html with just HTML no PHP

        mtburke;10909531 wrote:

        Thats a good question!

        XAMPP should work right from the install without any need to adjust apache files.

        Are you able to run the XAMPP control panel application?
        Does the control panel show Apache as running?

        Yes i Can run the control panel it shows both Apache and MySql as "Running"

        If you answered yes to both questions click on the “admin” button and launch the admin web page.

        On the left navigation panel check out status to see if everything you need is active, also the phpinfo() link to verify PHP is running.

        This is what i see in the XAMPP Status:

        MySQL database ACTIVATED



        Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ACTIVATED

        Server Side Includes (SSI) ACTIVATED

        SMTP Service DEACTIVATED

        FTP Service DEACTIVATED

        Also the phpinfo() shows the expected php info etc

        If both the links work then double check your file names.
        Make sure you don’t have the classic windows extension problem /feature where extensions are hidden.
        Your file name might actually be index.php.txt but it only shows index.php in the explorer window.
        This happens when you right click and create a new text file, then change the name.

        My files are all PHP uder details view the type says PHP script

        If you are not set to view extensions this is easy to miss!
        Also do regular web pages work, that you created? Like Index.html with just HTML no PHP

        htm pages seem to work :S

          5 days later

          cheers. I reinstalled it a few time and for some reason its working now just have to type localhost/myfoler/page.php

          have no idea what i did. It dosnt seem to like vista much ! I never had this problem with WAMP5 on XP 😕

            yup - I had the same problem with Vista and Xampp - there was another thread on their forum to do with xampp not deleting one of its setup files which scuppered me

            once I'd next permanently bypassed the annoying xampp home page it has been fine
            (I'm a refugee from apache2triad which has become extinct)

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