Ok, i have to upgrade from 5.2.3 to 5.2.9 due to security issues in my current version. On php.net regarding upgrades, it just says to run the .msi installer and the program would use all the setting from the old version, then delete it. My question/concern is when i run the new .msi installer it is asking me if I want to setup the webserver. Do I need to do that or will the settings from the old version take effect. My forum is working fine and I really don't want to mess that up, so please let me know if I am going down a dangersous path.
upgrading to 5.2.9
I'm not an installation guru, but pending any response from one here, one thing I'd suggest is to make a back-up copy of your php.ini file. Then you can compare it to the new one after your installation and revert any settings back to the original values if they have changed and if you think the new valued could possibly cause a problem.
barnesbk wrote:On php.net regarding upgrades, it just says to run the .msi installer and the program would use all the setting from the old version, then delete it.
Seeing as you've already got PHP set up, consider just using the .zip file.
I'll write this assuming that PHP is installed in "c:\php". I've always just used the zip archive, so I don't know where the installer puts it; and what follows is my typical upgrade path.
Unpack the zip archive to "c:\php-5.2.9". Rename c:\php-5.2.9\php.ini-dist" or "...-recommended" as appropriate to "php.ini". Compare it with "c:\php\php.ini" and in "php.ini" change whatever needs changing (this is just a revision release so there's nothing really significant except your own customisations).
If you're using third-party extensions like XDebug or something from PECL, copy them from "c:\php\ext" to "c:\php-5.2.9\ext". Copy the PEAR and tmp directories across, too, if you have them (sometimes I just copy the old directory tree right on top of the new one, specifying "no to all" when asked about filename collisions).
Then rename "c:\php" to "c:\php-5.2.3" and "c:\php-5.2.9" to "c:\php" and restart your server. After a while, when you're confident that 5.2.9 is running happily, you can delete c:\php-5.2.3. If it's all falling over you can rename "c:\php" back to "c:\php-5.2.9" and "c:\php-5.2.3" back to "c:\php" and you'll be back to a 5.2.3 installation, and you can take your time tracking what's blown up.
I followed the instructions you gave to upgrade my site from PHP 5.2.2 to 5.2.9-2.
I made a backup of everything, copied over extensions (said No to replace), and compared the php.ini files, and then renamed my PHP folders and rebooted. My PHP folder was not in the root directory since it was installed as part of WAMP (it's in C:\wamp and I copied over the directory paths in the .ini file).
Here's my problem... when I look at phpinfo(), the top of the page tells me that I'm still running 5.2.2! If I scroll down to the Apache stuff, it says
Apache Version: Apache/2.2.4 (Win32) PHP/5.2.9-2
The wampmanager.ini file tells me that the php folder is directly in the wamp folder, so I don't have two installs.
Any ideas?