I recently upgraded from PHP 4.3.2 to 5.2.9 using the MSI installer
Under 4.3.2 cURL worked fine. I'm trying to get it to load under 5.2.9 and I can't find any errors but phpinfo() doesn't list it.
The files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll were missing from my install so I got them from the php 5.2.9-2 zip and placed them into both my c:\php\ and c:\windows\system32\ folders and made sure to give "Everyone" read and execute permissions on them.
C:\PHP\ext\php_curl.dll was also missing so I again got it from the zip and gave "Everyone" read/execute on it.
I opened up c:\php\php.ini and it had no reference to cURL at all... in fact it only had 2 extensions listed at all, (mssql and soap) I added the following lines to the end of the file:
I then restarted IIS and opened my phpinfo() page. It still has no reference to cURL, but does use c:\php\php.ini as it's ini file.
How can I figure out why cURL isn't showing up? Shouldn't there be an error message somewhere if it can't load?