Hey, I can't get to install phpMyAdmin

I have successfully installed PHP5, Apache and MySQL. But can't get this phpMyAdmin to work.

I extracted the zip of phpMyAdmin to htdocs folder of Apache. Got the login page of phpMyAdmin but when I enter my username and password a Visual Studio Just-In-Time-Debugger comes up with the error

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in httpd.exe[672].

and I couldn't get to run phpMyAdmin. What could be the cause?

    That's one I've not heard of before. Sounds like it's an Apache error, but I can't imagine why.

    All I can think of to at least try to work around it is maybe change the login mechanism being used by phpMyAdmin. Check the phpMyAdmin config file (config.ing.php), and see what the setting is for $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']. If it is "http", try changing it to "cookie" and see if that makes a difference. If that works, then it would seem to be an Apache problem with HTTP Authentication. As to how to address that, I have no idea. :rolleyes:

      I changed the auth type to http, it didn't work either.

      What to do?

        If it were me, since I hate messing with installation stuff, I'd probably just uninstall everything and try re-installing with WAMP or XAMPP (or other all-in-one installation program of your choice). :rolleyes: If you want to really figure it out and become an installation pro, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you to any installation/Apache guru who has some idea as to what might be wrong. 🙁

          I'm happy messing with the installation, who may I contact? Where may I find more information?

          Will give it a few tries and if failed, then will try WAMP

            If you'd really like, I can try to help you figure out what's going wrong. For starters, it'd be helpful if you could tell us the following information:

            • OS (name and version, e.g. "Windows Vista Ultimate" or "Windows XP SP2")

            • Version of Apache installed

            • Version of PHP installed

            • Version of phpMyAdmin installed

            • Version of MySQL installed

            • A copy of your php.ini

            • A copy of your httpd.conf

            • Any applicable lines in Apache's error.log when the crash occurs

            Again, though, it might be best to first try uninstalling everything and then re-installing them carefully. Guides for integrating PHP w/ Apache can be found here: [man]install.windows.apache2[/man] and here: [man]install.windows.manual[/man] (note that both sets of instructions must be followed).

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