here's a query for obsessives like myself

I use phpDesigner 2004 as my editor..

if I double click $myvarname than all it selects is 'myvarname'
it ignores the $ - now I find this really useful and I'm so used to it that I cant do without it
it makes copy and paste really quick when I dont want to use find and change

However I'm trying to upgrade to a proper IDE and the latest phpDesinger does not do it (and the new find and change is clunky as hell)
NetBeans doesnt do this double click trick either

Any tips?
Isnt there some trick with the arrow keys to deselect by one character from the left?

any other IDEs that might support this?
seems stupid I bet!
hmm now how many people actually read this lost outpost of the forum?

-- while I'm about it I also like the 'comment block' tool so I can comment out chunks like this:

ignore this php

but phpDesigner 2004 seems the only tool that does this

--it means I can quickly switch components on and off and if I already have standard comments

// like this

in the code, then they are clear to see and never accidentally get uncommented


    My IDE (Coda) updated to selecting the $ on the double-click aswell just a few versions ago, and I absolutely love it! I don't know how I did it before or how you could be missing it! (Sorry for not answer your question, I just thought I'd share)

      yeah - I do wonder if its just my stubborn nature refusing to adapt !

      but for copy and paste changes to :


      its nice and quick

        I just played around and in Coda in OS X, if you hold Command on the second click, it removes the $, I don't know if yours has an equivalent? I'm sure if Coda (a smaller, less-popular ide) has that feature phpDesigner would. (& thanks for bringing this up, I've wasted so much time traveling back to delete the $, I never knew it was possible to do that until you mention it lol)

          place cursor after $
          control shift and right arrow selects following word

          I guess I could get used to that - but a pain to get the mouse exactly between the characters

            I found another way, in coda (no idea if it works in windows) double-click, hold shift, and click a third time.

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