I really like this website so far, HOWEVER you guys need to add more smilies to cover all of my emotions!! πŸ™‚


    did you have specific ones in mind?

      JPnyc;10915184 wrote:

      did you have specific ones in mind?


      I personally have always thought there were some cool ones at this link.

      Specifically, I like the...

      • Banging head against wall
      • Laugh
      • Wink
      • Cheers
      • Typing
      • Wave
      • Thumbs Up
      • Thumbs Down
      • I'm outta here
      • Kiss
      • Tada
      • Not Worthy
      • I don't know
      • Crying

      Generally I just think those are way cooler emoticons than what you guys have.

      Just my 2-cents,


        I guess I like that set of smilies because they seem happy, positive, and good-natured.

        (There are so many emoticons out there that are negative, violent, or derogatory.)


          OK well each one of those requires that they be added separately, so you get to pick one eachπŸ™‚. There is no way to add them in bulk.

            JPnyc;10915299 wrote:

            OK well each one of those requires that they be added separately, so you get to pick one eachπŸ™‚. There is no way to add them in bulk.

            I vote for ONE (block) of...

            crazy.gif (Banging head against wall ---> Represents someone really frustrated)

            wavehi.gif (Waving ---> We should all say "Hi" more before we get down to PHP!)

            cryhard.gif (Crying ---> When it feels like the end of the world!)

            laugh.gif (Giggle ---> A playful, fun, friendly giggle to lighten up the atmosphere.)

            (Walking out ---> Signifying a desire to give up, or walk away from a dispute.)


            cheers.gif (Cheers with a Beers ---> We should all say "Thanks!" more often on here! Right?!)

            If you can add those, I think it will do a much better job of representing common emotions that most of feel on a regular basis on PHP Builder.

            Thanks in advance,

            <<insert wavehi.gif here>>

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