Hi all,
I'm migrating my intranet from php 4.1 to php 5.2 and I got the error:

Catchable fatal error: Object of class Login could not be converted to string in /var/www/intranet_full/LoginClass.php on line 189

I can't find the solution. Can anyone help me please?

My code follows (the line 189 is in red).

     * Check for a login, first checking the presence of a uvalid session,
     * next checking for a cookie called weblogin
     * next checking parameters against a DB
     * Before Returining it Set the session
     * @param string $username User name (from a form)
     * @param string $password Password (from a form)
     * @param int $remember If set, it save the login in a persistent cookie
     * @return boolean
     * @access public
     * @see registerLogin()
    function checkLogin ($username='', $password='',$remember='') {

            if (session_is_registered('valid')) {
                    return 1;
            } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['weblogin']) ) {
                    return 1;
            } else {
                    $password=md5($password); // MIA AGGIUNTA PER CODIFICA PASSWORD MD5
                   [COLOR="Red"] $query = "SELECT * FROM Utenti WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password' AN valid = 1";[/COLOR]
                    $result = $this->dsn->getRow($query);
                    if(is_object($result)) {
                            return 1;
                    else {
                            return 0;

    The implication is that contrary to the documented pre-condition, $username is an object of type Login rather than a string, for the function call in question.

      As well as what laserlight notes, I'll point out a syntax error in your query ("AN" instead of "AND") - this isn't anything to do with your current problem, but if it's not fixed it will cause your next problem. I'll also recommend you check the documentation on [man]session_is_registered[/man] and read the warnings and notes on that page; and formatting tags can be used to make your code easier to read. (Oh, and despite what the documentation says, the method doesn't return a boolean (true/false) but an integer (1/0).)

        laserlight;10935888 wrote:

        The implication is that contrary to the documented pre-condition, $username is an object of type Login rather than a string, for the function call in question.

        I understand the problem but can you help me changing the code to overlap this error?

          Weedpacket;10935953 wrote:

          As well as what laserlight notes, I'll point out a syntax error in your query ("AN" instead of "AND") - this isn't anything to do with your current problem, but if it's not fixed it will cause your next problem. I'll also recommend you check the documentation on [man]session_is_registered[/man] and read the warnings and notes on that page; and formatting tags can be used to make your code easier to read. (Oh, and despite what the documentation says, the method doesn't return a boolean (true/false) but an integer (1/0).)

          For the syntax error I found it after pasting the code on the post.

          Can you suggest me the changes to do to the code?

            We can't; we have no idea where you're getting $username from.

              This is the full code. I hope this can help.

              *	YaLogin - Yet Another Login - basic auth with session
              *	(c) 2003 - Lorenzo Noccioli [email]noccioli@dada.it[/email]
              *    	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
              *    	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
              *   	 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
              *   	 (at your option) any later version.
              *   	 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
              *   	 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
              *   	 GNU General Public License for more details.
              *   	 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
              *  	 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
              *   	 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
              *	Utilizzo
              *	Login - costruttore principale es. $mylogin=new Login();
              *	Classi Pubbliche
              *	loginLogout() - chiude la sessione es. $mylogin->loginLogout();
              *	checkLogin([$user],[$password]) - controlla il login, se riceve $user e $password in input
              *	dopo il controllo della sessione fa il controllo sul db 
              *	es. $mylogin->checkLogin(); controlla l'esistenza della sessione
              *	$mylogin->checkLogin('user','pass'); controlla l'esistenza della sessione, se la sessione
              *	non esiste controlla sul db
              *	getLoginInfo () - restituisce l'array delle informazioni all'interno della session
              *	salvo an che l'id che puo' essere utile per fare ricerche su tabelle correlate
               * Automatic Login Procedure using session and db auth
               * This Class does not have any set and get methods for single Fields due to its purpose
               * @package Philer
               * @author Lorenzo Noccioli <noccioli@dada.it>
               * @version 1.0a
               * @since 1.0
               * @access public
               * @copyright Lorenzo Noccioli
              Class Login {
               * User Id
               * @var Int
               * @access private
              var $id;
               * User Name
               * @var String
               * @access private
              var $username;
               * User Password
               * @var String
               * @access private
              var $password;
               * User Valid code
               * @var Int
               * @access private
              var $uvalid;
               * Database connection string (a pointer to PEAR)
               * @var String
               * @access private
              var $dsn;
               * cookie valueS
               * @var String
               * @access private
              var $cookie;
               * Main constructor, set the dsn string for DB connection
               * @return void
               * @access public
              function Login(&$db) {
               * Logout the user, destroying the session but not the cookie, test purpose only
               * @return void
               * @access public
              function loginLogout() {
               * Logout the user, destroying the session and the cookie
               * @return void
               * @access public
              function loginLogoutFull() {
              	setcookie('weblogin', $cookie, time()-3600 -1, '/');
               * Check, if cookie present, the consistence of cookie inside DB
               * @return void
               * @access public
               * @param string cookie the cookie value stored in login cookie
              function checkRemember($cookie) {
              	list($cookiesess,$username) = explode("|",$cookie);
              	if (!$username or !$cookiesess) 
              	$query = "SELECT * FROM Utenti WHERE username = '$username' AND cookie = '$cookiesess|$username' and valid=1";
              	$result = $this->dsn->getRow($query);
              	if (is_object($result)) {
               * Check for a login, first checking the presence of a uvalid session, 
               * next checking for a cookie called weblogin
               * next checking parameters against a DB
               * Before Returining it Set the session 
               * @param string $username User name (from a form)
               * @param string $password Password (from a form)
               * @param int $remember If set, it save the login in a persistent cookie
               * @return boolean
               * @access public
               * @see registerLogin()
              function checkLogin ($username='', $password='',$remember='') {
              	if (session_is_registered('valid')) {
              		return 1;
              	} elseif (isset($_COOKIE['weblogin']) ) {
              		return 1;
              	} else {
              		$password=md5($password); // MIA AGGIUNTA PER CODIFICA PASSWORD MD5
              		$query="SELECT * FROM Utenti WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password' and valid=1";
              		$result = $this->dsn->getRow($query);
              		if(is_object($result)) {
              			return 1;
              		else {
              			return 0;
               * If Login is ok it sets the session if remember its present it save the cookie
               * @return void
               * @access private
               * @see checkLogin()
               * @param int remember Chek if saving to cookie or not
               * @param Object values a row of values from db query
              function registerLogin (&$values,$remember='') {
              	$_SESSION['username'] = $values->username;
              	$_SESSION['id'] = $values->id;
              	if ($remember)
              	return 1;
               * Update user cookie and db entry
               * @return void
               * @access private
               * @see checkLogin()
               * @param String cookie value of cookie
               * @param Boolean save if its really going to save (debugging only!)
              function updateCk($cookie, $save) {
               	if ($save) {
               		mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
                  		 $this->cookie = md5(mt_rand())."|".$this->username;              
                   		 setcookie('weblogin', $this->cookie, time() + 31104000, '/');
                   		 $_SESSION['cookie'] = $this->cookie;
                   		 $query="UPDATE Utenti set cookie='".$this->cookie."' where id='".$_SESSION['id']."'";
              * this function return a pointer to DB connection
              * params are self explanatory
              	function &db_connection() {
              		require_once 'DB.php';
              //		PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
              		$db_engine = 'mysql';
              		$db_user = 'intranet';
              		$db_pass = 'password';
              		$db_host = 'localhost';
              		$db_name = 'Iftest';
              		$dsn_string = $db_engine.'://'.
              		$db = DB::connect($dsn_string);
              		return $db;
              	function &db_connection2() {
              		require_once 'DB.php';
              //		PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
              		$db_engine2 = 'mysql';
              		$db_user2 = 'intranet';
              		$db_pass2 = 'password';
              		$db_host2 = 'localhost';
              		$db_name2 = 'Iftest';
              		$dsn_string2 = $db_engine2.'://'.
              		$db_object = DB::connect($dsn_string2);
              		return $db_object;
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