Hello everyone.

As far as my PHP curiousity is concern, I've been thinking what would be the best IDE's out there, specifically tailored for PHP. An IDE that is lightweight and easy to setup.


    i'm using phpedit , and i'm satisfied. And you can get unlimited acces for personal use.
    my favourite feature is the DB browser and designer.

      16 days later

      I am using phpDesigner , i think it's best ide for php developers

        zend is alsoo good but it is realy heavy ..

          2 months later

          I've tried CodeLobster, but I forgot what I didn't like about it, I think the code hinting didnt seem to work. Aptana is basically dead and they say just use PDT, but PDT hasnt had a release in over a year, although its due this summer. Netbeans is good, but there are a few things I dont like. KomodoEdit seems to be what I like the most so far, its the free version, they have a Pro version that has more features. I keep netbeans and notepad++ installed just incase though 😉

            s0me0ne;10950618 wrote:

            I've tried CodeLobster, but I forgot what I didn't like about it, I think the code hinting didnt seem to work. Aptana is basically dead and they say just use PDT, but PDT hasnt had a release in over a year, although its due this summer. Netbeans is good, but there are a few things I dont like. KomodoEdit seems to be what I like the most so far, its the free version, they have a Pro version that has more features. I keep netbeans and notepad++ installed just incase though 😉

            Yeah, I've ended up mainly using Komodo Edit for the last several months now. Who knows what I'll be using next year? 🙂

              2 months later
              johnpeace;10943008 wrote:

              I love zend studio...

              Is Zend studio free im not following what they are talking about on their website?
              They say free download but they also have a purchase option for like 400 euros.
              Is it just a trial that is free?

                I was pretty sure it was a trial, and if you go to this page, it says over on the right, "Download a free Zend Server trial to speed up debugging and use a reliable, up-to-date PHP stack" (my highlighting).

                  Yeah its a free zend server trial, lol their site is not very clear, I have decided to just leave it.
                  I have been looking for a good IDE but i cant find one that does what i want. I have expression web 3 and 4 from dreamspark but that does not do what i want it to do.

                  I think i will try netbeans, im stuck with geany currently and thats not exactly an IDE.

                    Im working in netbeans now, still doesnt really solve all my problems lol.

                    What is that vertical red line in the middle of the page for? Is there any need for it? does anyone know how to get rid of it?

                      the red line is probably like the 80character width reminder, cant remember. There is no perfect IDE yet, that I have found. Komodo Edit and Netbeans have their flaws. Code lobster isnt that great either I couldnt get the php auto-completes and function finding stuff to work. I think I've tried all the free IDEs also. Hopefully over time they will improve.

                        Personally I love php designer 7, but it is kind of expensive. NuSphere is another great one but again it is expensive. They both have code folding, auto-complete, built in php manual, built in debugger, and every other feature I required. No free one has all of those features.

                        By far the best FREE php IDE I have found is php Designer 2007 P.E. which is a stripped down version of php Designer 7. It has built in syntax checking, autocomplete and the like but the debugger is not there and a few other features.
                        You can get it at:

                          9 days later
                          kingdm;10940997 wrote:

                          Hello everyone.

                          As far as my PHP curiousity is concern, I've been thinking what would be the best IDE's out there, specifically tailored for PHP. An IDE that is lightweight and easy to setup.


                          I like nusphere phped because out of the box, it runs an internal web server and debugger. With most editors you have to set these up before you can preview webpages or debug them. With nusphere PHPEd you just download, install and you are up and running with all these things. Plus it has proven to be a stable editor with many features.

                          Another good one is aptana studio (with php addin) because it has a lot of helpful features, but it is somewhat complicated. I use it along side of nusphere for some of it's features, particularly for css and html. But I don't like to rely on it because quite a few times some of the features have stopped working or I have lost all my ftp and project information for no apparent reason. So I always default back to nusphere phped as my main editor.


                            Try Netbeans its got excellent support of PHP including really good support for Zend.
                            There are so many incites like telling you which classes are abstracted from others and which functions are over written and by what(Static functions).
                            Some great inline code completion and debugging to top it off.

                              10 days later

                              I'm half designer and half coder....well, maybe not 50/50, but at any rate...I'm curious what you guys think of VS.php for Visual Studio.

                              I've used Dreamweaver exclusively for years and it gets me by, but I'd like something that debugs and has a little more in the php support department...but, and here's the kicker, it must have a designer view.

                              I liked Netbeans for its great coding support, but it has NOTHING for a designer view. So, you're forced to also use something like Dreamweaver for layout and design.

                              Is there nothing out there in the way of an IDE that also works for a designer?


                                8 days later

                                Zend is pretty awesome. Although I really just use it so I can have an Eclipse install with Mylyn, SVN and PDT all setup for me I guess. I use the expired version of Zend since I don't use any "Zend" features.

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