Just wondering how do you edit posts? I can't seem to find the icon/link. Thanks.

    It is not so long time you can edit.
    I do not know exactly, but maybe 10-15 minutes ...

      a year later
      bradgrafelman;10980558 wrote:

      See my post here.

      Can you clarify just how many posts are required to circumvent the security measure? My typos never reveal themselves until after I submit! Thanks!

        I was hoping as much. You do realize that this is a motivation for ignorant newbies to take random stabs at questions they aren't really qualified to answer, right? 😉

          a year later

          Brad --- consider stickying this in "Newbies" ... my opinion only, of course 😉

            Because the "Newbies" clearly read the stickies....

              Well, I apologize ... not sure which definition of QFT you had in mind, but certainly didn't mean to offend. 🙂

              I looked for it in a couple sub-forums, searched more than I can really justify whilst at work, and then asked.

              And, Derokorian, point well-made. 😉

                bradgrafelman wrote:

                (not any other variations, such as 'quite fabulously true!' where 'fabulously' is replaced with a different F-word of one's choosing)

                Fracking? Fecking?

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