I have a website that uses PHP and has worked perfectly up until I updated my PHP 5.0.4 to PHP 5.3.1 and changed the mysql to the mysqli extension.
When I click a link on the index page the correct link displays in the address bar but nothing happens the browser just continues to display the index page with no changes.
I am trying to approached this by handling one issue at a time. First I just want to get my home page (index.php) links to work again.
This is a line of code I have located at the top of my page:
$baseDir = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].strrev(substr(strrev($PHP_SELF), strrpos($PHP_SELF, "/")));
This is the code I have for my links:
<a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?page=welcome\"><IMG SRC=\"images/menu/button1.gif\" border=0></a>
I would appreciate any help that you could give me
THANKS in advance