Not sure if anyone else has tested this, but I cannot log in to PHP Builder forums using Google Chrome. I had to break out Internet Explorer...yuk.

Anyways, might want to check into that.

I didn't delete my cache or anything to test more, I had got booted after 5 attempts.

    I just tried accessing the forums via Chrome and am entering this reply with it (I normally use FireFox). So far, no problems here. I'm using the default settings, Chrome version (38071).

      Just my $.02...

      Chrome has given me lots of heartburn with my customer portal site. It doesn't default to checking for updated pages and so my Chrome users always seem to be reporting issues I've already fixed. It is very frustrating.

        I wasn't talking specifically of here. It is partly a matter of experience. If you set I.E. cache control to "Automatic" or "Every time", then you should be in pretty good shape. I haven't messed with Chrome enough to know if it has similar cache settings.

          No problems here. Just logged in with chrome.

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