It also says the Loaded Configuration File is the one that's in my PHP532 directory. Is there an error log somewhere that I can look at to try to determine what happened when I attempted to upgrade 5.2.5 to 5.3.2?

I copied the php.ini file from 5.2.5 into the 5.3.2 directory to have a running system again.

OS is WINDOWS 2003 Server.

    This can happen.
    I am sure you have 5.3
    The phpinfo.php page sometimes does not upgrade.
    You may need to do several refresh and maybe empty history page cache.

    I have seen this thing you describe happen with my phpinfo() page
    Several times as I recall.

      In case it's a caching issue, you could create a new PHP file with phpinfo() in it (or simply rename the existing one), just to make sure you're seeing the current settings.

      Also, to ask the obvious just in case: did you restart the web server after installing the updates?

        I've cleared history. I'm on Firefox 3.6. I'm sure I am still running the old version of PHP due to some unknown installation problem. I have a page that has a new PHP 5.3.2 function in it and it fails due to that function not existing in 5.2.5.

        And yes I did restart the web server (IIS) several times.

        If I rename the directory that contains 5.2.5 I get page cannot be found so that's further proof I'm still on 5.2.5.

          I'm not an installation guru, particularly when it comes to IIS, but you might want to take a look at the "sticky" posts at the top of the Installation sub-forum here, as there are some on the specifics of dealing with IIS. Perhaps they'll point you to something you missed in terms of the IIS config to get it to load the desired PHP version.

            How can I change the path for the "Loaded Configuration File". I want to un-install 5.3.2 but 5.2.5 is using the php.ini file that's in the 5.3.2. directory. What a mess huh?

            (Nevermind. This fixed itself after I renamed the directory and restarted the web server. I've deleted the 5.3.2 directory and ran the uninstall)

            I'll just stay on 5.2.5 for now. Obviously the new version has problems. Probably works fine on Linux though I suppose.

              cupboy;10945010 wrote:

              Obviously the new version has problems. Probably works fine on Linux though I suppose.

              Not sure what you mean by problems - sounds like the root of your problems was an improper upgrade and IIS was still pointed to the DLL/EXE in the 5.2 directory.

              I recently upgraded an IIS install from 5.2 to 5.3 and it went off without a hitch.

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