I want to obfuscate my source code offline, dont want to have to install any extra-modules on my server ...
does somebody know programs, scripts that do that well? (freeware or shareware preferably)
Obfuscating tools recommendations?
I used it on one project but it became a big pita for making updates so I decided my code wasn't really that valuable and I don't use it any more - but it does what it says
I think an integrated thing like zend's might be ok though
thanks for the info.
I'll leave this thread open so more people can contribute to it since there do not seem to be many tools for this use.
please let us know if anybody has another tip.
peter schneider wrote:there do not seem to be many tools for this use.
Probably because obfuscators are notoriously useless. It's usually easy to construct a simple script that will de-obfuscate code in milliseconds.
Another problem with most common obfuscation techniques is that they involve several layers of decoding and eval()-ing, which is quite inefficient (each eval() essentially launches its own PHP process to parse and execute the supplied string).