gee, I know you guys have to make money out of this, but me personally I really hate the advertising tool that randomly highlights words in text

like if enter the phrase apple ipad, that will probably get an automatic link added

or if I write php or mcdonalds cheeseburger

is the income worth the pain to the user?

ok one out of three - not bad
IBM intel Ubik!

    6 days later


    Take a look at the attached...

    Now THAT'S funny.

    Please turn those damn things off....

      21 days later

      And another thing. the fetches from slow down your site considerably!!!!

      Pissing off your customers can't be worth the piddly income you get from those stupid ads.

        seems to be just you and me annoyed by them though...
        (is it my imagination or has it got worse in the last week?)

          the question really needs to be answered by JPnyc with figures for the income it generates - which I know will not be supplied

          the site has adverts - nobody is complaining about those

          I believe in raising questions rather than accepting things I dislike

          if hundreds of people reply and agree that it is obtrusive, then the site owners may feel it's an experiment not worth pursuing

          However I don't see me raising a poll or putting this in the echo lounge...
          so you can see I'm merely querying something I dislike rather than fomenting discord and strife

            How long you been in the software business?It is a known fact that anyone that uses your applications are called customers. Even people in the same office that use your systems are called customers.

              As annoying as they may be, are they aware that the kontera links are slowing down things? I occasionally get the "Retrieving data from" in my statusbar for long periods of time.

              BTW, I run a free forum site as well and would never push this kind of thing on my USERS because I feel it is obtrusive, no matter how much money I could make from it.

              I guess I have a few more morals...<bg>

                I think the most annoying thing of all is that they actually show up in the breadcrumbs of the forum.

                  mrbaseball34 wrote:

                  BTW, I run a free forum site as well and would never push this kind of thing on my USERS because I feel it is obtrusive, no matter how much money I could make from it.

                  Well and good, but...

                  mrbaseball34 wrote:

                  I guess I have a few more morals...

                  You are judging before you have the facts. Maybe you feel that it is immoral to use this kind of advertisement, but it may also be a business decision in order to keep this message board around, e.g., this message board could be considered a liability that would otherwise have been discontinued. Whether or not this is the really the case, and whether or not such a decision actually works to generate more income than it might lose from unhappy users, I do not know, but it is something to think about before you jump to a conclusion and accuse a company of lacking morals.

                    my turn again...

                    in the image sample, the word database has now become a clickable link.. so it breaks down the user's understanding of what is, and what is not, navigation

                    that is very poor in terms of user interface - a very basic 'no no'

                    really.. guys it's not hard:
                    my simple query at the beginning was:
                    is the money this generates worth the ugliness ?

                    what is the business payback this thing produces?

                    if you have a factual answer I'd like to hear it, if not lets close the thread

                      19 days later
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