Hi all, this is my first post here but with my three sites now running Zen Cart 1.3.8a on a PHP 5.3 server, I have a feeling it wont be my last post.
I'm a complete newbie with PHP, so I'm hoping someone could help me with a bit of syntaxing.
I've turned error logging off on my sites and they're all patched to run on PHP 5.3. However that's like puting a bandaid on a gashing wound as these errors will need to be addressed before PHP 6 comes out.
I have the option of upgrading to 1.3.9 but my sites are so heavily modified and my filesets are a complete nightmare. I'd really, really rather work through the files that are using out-dated constructs and therefore generating syntax errors. I've managed quite a lot of fixes by simply WinMerging existing files with 1.3.9 files. However, I'm using several mods that have never been updated for 5.3 and I'm finding it really hard to fix the syntaxes. for example:
Ok, I've spent the last few hours trying to see if I'd be able to upgrade to 1.3.9 easily and I have to say, option 2. above is looking more and more appealing with every white screen.
If I were to work through all the files in 1.3.8 with the outdated functions and update them all with PHP 5.3 syntax, would that be as good as upgrading to 1.3.9?
I was getting on quite well just winmerging them until I stumbled at GoogleCheckout:
Function split() is deprecated in /googlecheckout/gcheckout.php on line 128
Here is a copy of line 128:
$resticted_categories = split('([ ]?[,][ ]?)',MODULE_PAYMENT_GOOGLECHECKOUT_RESTRICTED_CATEGORIES);
Can anyone here please tell me know how to rewrite this split() function with the required PHP 5.3 delimiters? If I can post here when I hit a stumbling block like this then it would be so very, very helpful as I'm sure there are PHP experts here who could re-write that in a few seconds whereas it'd take me hours of Googling and reading.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.