Hi everybody!

I'm not sure if my post should go here but I would appreciate your advice. I've decided to use some web service to manage visitors feedback better. There's a bunch of them on the net - UserVoice, Get Satisfaction, BetaEasy etc. I was wondering maybe somebody already has used some of them and can help me in making a choice.

Appreciate your replies

    a month later

    I made my choice for BetaEasy. It has ability to integrate feedback button into software and I'm going to implement this feature soon.

    I'm using BetaEasy for little more than two weeks and found it's support fast and helpful enough.


      2 months later

      There is plenty of software on the market that serves this purpose. You need to decide which to use depending on the traffic that is generated on your website and the number that you are looking to compile. Alternatively try using a marketing service provider who also offers to help you generate and collect business reviews for you. Ratepoint is a great option, they also offer other internet marketing services that you may be interested in.

        I try to read all these books you once read before and of course this time I promise myself not to disappear and read these lovely books by you, thank you.

        OK, cool!_ I just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything wrong :]

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