Hi I also have an installation of XAMPP on another windows 7 PC, I can start Apache in XAMPP Control Panel but MySQL just wont start, it says:

ERROR: MySQL sevice not started [-1]

    How do you "run [your] PHP script in Firefox 4" ? Have you checked a phpinfo() readout to see what the PHP directives error_reporting and display_errors are set to? What are those values?

    As for the MySQL issue, either look in the Windows Event Viewer after you receive the error message and try to find related error messages that give some useful debugging information, or try starting the MySQL daemon manually from the command line to see if MySQL offers any additional information.

      Dan Buhrman wrote:

      For some reason, XAMPP for Windows has problems running MySQL as a service

      Sounds like yet another reason why one shouldn't use those pre-packaged AMP solutions and just install the desired pieces manually. 🙂

        bradgrafelman;10976928 wrote:

        Sounds like yet another reason why one shouldn't use those pre-packaged AMP solutions and just install the desired pieces manually. 🙂

        Springles;10976921 wrote:

        Hi I installed Apache, PHP 5.3.6 & MySQL using this tutorial:


        now when I run my PHP script in Firefox 4 the HTML & PHP runs fine but the PHP error reporting does not work & in IE 8 only the HTML runs, the PHP script just returns a "The website cannot display the page". Please help me.

        waiting for a solution ...

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