is looking for an entrepreneur-minded programmer who would join our team to further develop our project. The project is in the early stages, where the team members are putting in unpaid work in hopes of future returns. We will provide you with shares in the project in return for your coding.
Launched on Sep 30, 2009, The Internet Second Language Collective is an international file sharing platform for language teachers where teachers can exchange their home-made teaching materials with each other. is a free file-sharing service. We are not restricting or planning to restrict the downloading of our teaching resources in any ways. To monetize the service we are to introduce Premium services in the second phase of development.
Our objective is to become the largest free sharing network for language teachers. In the first step we launched the platform for ESL (English language) teachers. Our stats so far: 6500 teachings materials uploaded, 30000 registered users. After the ESL section we launched the site for German, Spanish and French teachers.
Operating with one coder, we're now in need of some extra help (Php, MySQL, OOP) to boost the development.
If you're interested please write to Peter Laszlo at
Bless up,
Peter Laszlo