I'm looking for a developer to re-build my site from the ground up, and then stick around on an ad-hoc basis to add features/fix bugs/etc.

I am the owner of a large reviews website. The site has 20k+ members, 6k+ products, and 20k+ reviews. It receives over a million visits a month, and is my "full-time" job.

I built the site in 2006 as I was learning PHP. I started with the basics, then kept adding features along the way. My strategy was always "keep messing around with it until it works, then stop". Eventually I integrated (very sloppily) an SMF forum. Now it is a huge site that was hack-jobbed together over the years by a PHP amateur (me).

Bottom line is that the code is sloppy and outdated, and so is the layout. I'm too busy with sales and managing the community, so I need someone to completely re-built the website from the ground up, and also re-do the design (bring your designer in if you have one).

Project specifications:
- User system
- Reviews
- Datafeeds for affiliate product pricing
- SMF Forum
- Q/A system
- Built on custom PHP/mySql (no framework used).
- It is a super-custom site. Joomla/Drupal really doesn't make sense at this point.
- Tons of existing data (users, passwords, reviews, Q/A's, user reputation, etc.)
- Mobile site/Iphone Android apps also desired
- Expecting the project to take 3-4 months
- Expecting to spend $15-30k.
- I have a project spec that I can send to interested parties

Please let me know the following:
1. Your background in PHP/MySql (education, work history)
2. Hourly rate for odd-jobs
3. How many hours a week you will be putting into this project
4. Framework that you like to use, or none at all
5. Do you do the design as well or have someone you like to work with?
6. Examples of your work that are similar to this project (include URLs).
7. Your email address/skype. I'd prefer to get to know you through email rather than PM.

    contact method? PMs don't get through to you.

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