I have made over 10 Posts in the same thread But I still cant edit my posts.
Do I have to realy post over tem new thread titles in this forum to be able to post edits? if thats what it takes then I will fill this exact forum with crappy posts and topics

    Wellover ten posts even if it is in the same thread

      I have searched the main site nd can'nt for the life of me find any thread explainig that you need to make X amount of posts before you can EDIT maybe the owners of this **** forun need to add tht to the FORUM

        I think you can stop about any time.

        1. The edit button disables itself after several minutes. So, if I make a post at 10 AM, even with my post count, and then come back at noon ... I can't edit it.

        2. There may very well be a "minimum" post count. Bumping your own post to try and reach it is not likely to convince most people that you're a valuable asset to the PHPBuilder community. We'd love to help you when we can, if we can, and it whatever ways are plausible, practical and sensible. However, you only get one chance per username to make a good impression, and only one username per email address. I only know of a few people who came to this site, make a jacka** of themselves (not that you have ... yet [so please consider not doing so 😉 ]) and were able to redeem "themselves" (their account's good name) and hang around.

        I'm sure you'll do the right thing.

          Oh, and Brad, if "edit policy" has changed, you might PM me about it.

          Searching here didn't produce much, but then, your 19K posts make for a rather large target ;-)

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