• [deleted]

You might have noticed that the main site has been updated. If you didn't, check it out: www.phpbuilder.com. This is the first big update to this site in a while. We actually have changed out the internals to a completely new system. This should let us add content and other features easier going forward.

If you see any issues as you are using the main site, please let us know. This was a pretty big change, so we figure a few bugs are likely to have slipped through.


    I like it... Also like the new logo. What's that favicon supposed to be?

      Isn't that the original PHPBuilder favicon? They need to fix it in their vBulletin installation ... that's the vBulletin favicon I'm seeing here....

        Oh, and I do like the site ... I think; I like blue better than green, for whatever that's worth. Maybe it's because PHPBuilder was blue since before I knew how to write code. The platform ... Drupal?

          • [deleted]

          FavIcon is vBullitens. I'll report that.

          Nope, not Drupal! Nor Joomla, WordPress, or any open source. The CMS is actually one built by QuinStreet (our parent company). We needed a CMS that supports what the company does and allows for flexibility across the very large number of sites that are managed. (QuinStreet goes beyond just Tech).


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            The forum is going to be upgraded in the near future. We'll attack the colors and such at that time..... (hopefully) 🙂

            We are in the process of upgrading the forums to the latest (or near latest) version. This will include an update to the database and php versions as well. I might have already mentioned this somewhere 🙂


            ("and such" includes things like the logo too)

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              Like the changes to the main site, the forum upgrade is pretty major. The difference is that you won't see as much of the 'major-ness' in the forum upgrade because it is also internal. vBulletin re-wrote how they do layout and such. The change of philosphy of "tables bad...., CSS good" is applied. In older versiosn of vBulletin, everything is structured with tables. that's not so much the ase with the newest versions. That change along is pretty big.

              So yes, hopefully some quirks will go away, but I imagine we'll have a whole new set of them to drive us batty!

              As a note, QuinStreet has over 20 forums all in vBulletin, so if there are quirks, we'll see them.... If not here, then on some of the others like VBForums.com or forums.codeguru.com (which are a couple of our bigger ones).

              But alas - it is progress, which we've needed here for quite a while!

                Not nuts about the new design - looks like a thousand other sites and doesn't look like it has been near a graphic designer! It should give you the shell on which to build though.
                (I too have an aversion to black backgrounds)
                That said, the old one was long past its sell by date

                  I'll send some thoughts, prayers and encouragement your way on the upgrade. If you think vB 3.x > 4.x is tough ... you should work here --- I'm about to finish 3 sites moving from CFForum2000 to vB4.x --- some major DB crunching on that. 😉

                  Of course, none of them are near as large a dataset as PHPBuilder is likely to be. I bet the DB is pretty gargantuan... :eek:

                    Incidentally, vB4 supports user-selected themes ... if the powers-that-be decide to allow that.

                    That would allow the "Blue vs. Green" (shouldn't that be "Red vs. Blue" 😃 ) 'debate' to become rather unimportant, 🙂

                      The new design looks good.

                      I thought I would mention a small issue. I used the search feature to see if there were any articles on "imap" (looking for info on security) and what is being returned is very old, or broken. First link returned me to the home page, the second link is from 2002 and returned me to the home page, the third link returned me to the home page, the fourth link is for PHP3, ect. For the working links the information is still relevant, only because it doesn't go into much detail. This is one thing that I find annoying about Google, most often the search result are unaware of the time sensitivity of the results it returns. Not that an old article is always useless, but generally they are.

                        not that this has anything to do w/ phpbuilder.com but w/ google you can somewhat add a time criteria to your search:

                        "site: phpbuilder.com ~security "imap" 2011..2012"

                        Just a thought..

                        Actually, I found this interesting article earlier this week. see attch.

                          hey the favicon is back to normal... sweeeet!😃

                            It has looked fine for me for quite a few days now. It breifly blipped to the vBulletin one, and then reverted back to the <? white on dark blue.

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                              bradgrafelman;11003155 wrote:

                              Er... no, it isn't...?

                              I see the "<?" Favicon, so it looks correct to me.... 🙂


                                I just noticed today.... I cleared my cache yesterday afternoon though.

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