I see we're on vb4 now. Or, so I assume. It does match the style of the site now, as far as I can tell. From one professional (heh) vB hackster to another, thanks for your hard work. It was probably long since due to happen.
Now, how about returning the features? For example, the "Unanswered Posts" feature?
Admincp > Settings > Navigation Menu > Forum > Select "Add Link" at the right of "Quick Links".
The "Target URL" should be "search.php?{session.sessionurl}do=process&contenttype=vBForum_Post&replyless=1&replylimit=0&exclude=3"
You might not need the "exclude" feature; you might need it and the number be wrong. I don't yet see any article replies, so I can't tell you what number the CMS article replies are. You probably want to exclude them (we do, and that's why my URL includes that directive).
If you don't know what number to exclude, a query against your DB like this:
select forumid,title from forum where title like "%article%";
might do the trick.
Looking forward to seeing the old functionality back soon. It's what allowed the community to make this board the fine resource that it became.