We are a small start up company, we are building a php based Fantasy RPG browser based game. We are looking for a young and capable php developer to join the project as lead the lead php developer. This will be a short term commitment with the possibility of long term retainer work. This is a ground floor opportunity with great income potential for the right candidate. Compensation will be discussed with successful candidates.
Please refer to our facebook page for some basic introduction info:

Please direct your resume or inquires to [email]jaosnd@gmail.com[/email]

    jdarken;11012265 wrote:

    ...We are looking for a young...

    FYI, at least in the US, this would probably be considered age discrimination.

      6 days later
      NogDog;11012299 wrote:

      FYI, at least in the US, this would probably be considered age discrimination.

      It would only be age discrimination if they mentioned a specific age or age range. "Young" is subjective.

        Bonesnap;11012683 wrote:

        It would only be age discrimination if they mentioned a specific age or age range. "Young" is subjective.

        To me, it sounded like they were hinting for someone with less experience than would be typically expected for a "lead" developer; and, therefore, would expect less pay. (This impression was reinforced when I read, "compensation will be discussed with successful candidates [emphasis added]".

          traq;11012689 wrote:

          To me, it sounded like they were hinting for someone with less experience than would be typically expected for a "lead" developer; and, therefore, would expect less pay. (This impression was reinforced when I read, "compensation will be discussed with successful candidates [emphasis added]".

          That very well may be the case, but it's still not age discrimination. What ages are they discriminating against?

            Bonesnap;11012697 wrote:

            That very well may be the case, but it's still not age discrimination. What ages are they discriminating against?

            You don't have to cite a specific age range to be guilty of age discrimination.

            "To avoid age discrimination it is advisable not to use such phrases as 'young and dynamic', ..."

            "Other examples of problematic language include: Young and energetic ... Youthful ..."
            "... a combination of words that imply a younger person is desired can also be of concern."

              Let's just say that as someone who is at least twice as old as many of the people I work with and could conceivably be 3 times as old as someone fresh out of high school, I'm pretty sure the intent is to find someone younger than I am and am rather sensitive to that, whether or not they specified an exact definition of "young". "Young" is a relative word which means that, by definition, some people would not be considered "young" and therefore might be discriminated against purely based on their (perceived) age (lack of "youngness"?).

                bradgrafelman;11012703 wrote:

                You don't have to cite a specific age range to be guilty of age discrimination.

                "To avoid age discrimination it is advisable not to use such phrases as 'young and dynamic', ..."

                "Other examples of problematic language include: Young and energetic ... Youthful ..."
                "... a combination of words that imply a younger person is desired can also be of concern."

                I see those as guidelines to avoid potential problems rather than something that holds any legal merit (I'm not a lawyer, so I could be wrong). I just don't see how the job poster could be convicted in court if they were sued over the verbiage of their posting because they used the word young, because really, what age are the discriminating against? What if their team is full of 75 year olds? It's just too subjective to me. But again, I'm not a lawyer and judges do all kinds of crazy stuff so who knows.

                If I were them I'd be a little more tactful and post a junior developer position rather than ask for someone young. shrug

                NogDog;11012717 wrote:

                Let's just say that as someone who is at least twice as old as many of the people I work with and could conceivably be 3 times as old as someone fresh out of high school, I'm pretty sure the intent is to find someone younger than I am and am rather sensitive to that, whether or not they specified an exact definition of "young". "Young" is a relative word which means that, by definition, some people would not be considered "young" and therefore might be discriminated against purely based on their (perceived) age (lack of "youngness"?).

                I did not intend to cast aside your offence or to downplay (or even agree with) what they're asking for. I apologize if that's how I came off.

                  No biggie for me, as I'm happily employed right now. My original reply was really just meant to suggest to the original poster that they might want to consider a change to protect themselves in our litigious society. Seeing as they appear to have been a drive-by poster (it's their only posting on the forum so far), I'm not going to lose any sleep over that tonight. 🙂

                  (Now, if I were a mean SOB, I'd apply for the job, make sure they had a good idea of my age, and then if/when I didn't get the job, start taking bids from lawyers to represent me. :evilgrin: )

                    bradgrafelman;11012825 wrote:

                    What about being the point-woman?!? GENDER DISCRIMINATION!

                    Duly noted and edited here. Now I'm trying to decide if I should point that out to our HR people. 😉

                      Well he just said there was no age discrimination. He didn't mention a lack of any other type of discrimination.

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