I think I have completed the validation of my code and was wondering if anyone can kindly give my any criticism as to anything I have missed or anything I can do better, which I'm sure both will generate some posts.
Here is my contact.template.htm:
<form method="post" action="index.php?page=contact">
<legend>Gardenable Contact Form</legend>
<p class="form_heading">Your Details</p>
<p class="form_instructions">Please leave us your details so we can contact you back!</p>
<hr class="form_hr" />
<p><label for="name">Name:</label><input type="text" name="name" id="name" size="36" maxlength="36" /><span class="red">*</span></p>
<p><label for="email">Email:</label><input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="36" maxlength="70" /></p>
<p><label for="phone">Phone:</label><input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" size="36" maxlength="16" /><span class="red">*</span></p>
<p><label for="user_comments">Additional Comments:</label><textarea name="user_comments" id="user_comments" rows="5" cols="34" maxlength="400"></textarea></p>
<hr />
<p class="form_heading">Product Details</p>
<p class="form_instructions">If you wish to <span class="italic">order</span> or <span class="italic">query</span> a product, please specify below.</p>
<hr class="form_hr" />
<p><label for="product">Product:</label>
<select name="product_options">
<option value="default">Choose a product...</option>
<option value="benches">Benches</option>
<option value="bin_stores">Bin Stores</option>
<option value="bird_housing">Bird Housing</option>
<option value="gates">Gates</option>
<option value="pet_housing">Pet Housing</option>
<option value="planters">Planters</option>
<option value="sheds">Sheds</option>
<option value="tables">Tables</option>
<p><label for="product_ref">Product ID:</label><input type="text" name="product_ref" id="product_ref" size="20" maxlength="7" />
<p><label for="product_comments">Product Comments:</label><textarea name="product_comments" id="product_comments" rows="5" cols="34" maxlength="400"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
<input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset" />
<span id="form_required">Fields marked with a red asterix (<span class="red">*</span>) are required.</span>
<div id="error_div">
<?php if(isset($output)){ print_r($output);} ?>
Here is validation relating to it:
$get_values = array("benches","tables","bird_housing","planters","gates","bin_stores","sheds","pet_housing","default");
//if script does not die, the user submitted the form. delete last element (submit button) as we do not need it.
(isset($_POST['submit'])) ? array_pop($_POST) : "";
//create array to hold any errors.
$errors = array();
//firstly, check to see if my required fields contain any data. if they dont we add errors to the error array.
if(empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['phone'])){
$errors[] = "You must fill in the required fields marked with a RED asterix(*).";
//check to see if the errors array contains anything. if it does, we need to send the user back to the form and display the error.
//do not carry on if the if statement executes because we dont want to process any more as we know we are going to have to send them back anyway.
$output = $errors;
//if the code reaches here, we have data inside the two required fields so carry on processing all of the data now.
//pass a reference of the value so that if any ARE set to string NULL, it also changes the original $_POST value.
foreach ($_POST as $post => &$value) {
if($value == ""){
$value = "NULL";
switch ($post) {
case "name":
$errors[] = "The name field can only contain alphabetical characters.";//specify just a first name in form
case "email":
$errors[] = "You did not enter a valid email address.";//give an example of an email someone@provider.com in form
case "phone":
//replaces all characters that are NOT digits 0-9.
$value = preg_replace("/\D/","",$value);
//we need to check if it is not equal to an empty string again because if they entered all letters, the preg_replace will replace them
//and my second if statement here will show an undefined index error. if it is an empty string, add to error array and break out of case
if($value == ""){ $errors[] = "You did not enter a phone number."; break;}
//checks to see if the first character of the string is not equal to a 0 or if the length of the string isn't 11 (which means its not valid).
if($value[0] != "0" || strlen($value) != 11){
$errors[] = "You did not enter a valid phone number.";
case "user_comments":
$len = strlen($value);
if ($len > 400){
$less = ($len - 400);
$errors[] = "You must enter {$less} LESS characters in the 'Additional Comments' field.";
case "product_options":
//if value is not found in the array, could be potential hack. Locate them straght away to the contact page again.
if(!in_array($value, $get_values)){
header("Location: index.php?page=contact");
case "product_ref":
//checks to see if the length of the string is not equal to 7
if(strlen($value) != 7) {
$errors[] = "The product id you entered was not long enough, must be 7 numbers.";
//checks to see if any of the characters entered were not digits. if this executes, we know that the user entered something different
//than 7 digits so there is no need to carry on and check the ref no against the records so we break out of case prematurely.
$errors[] = "Product id's can only contain numbers.";
//prepared statement which checks the product ref no submitted against a product ref in the database.
if($row != 1){
$errors[] = "Your Product ID did not match one of our products.";
case "product_comments":
$len = strlen($value);
if($len > 400){
$less = ($len - 400);
$errors[] = "You must enter {$less} LESS characters in the 'Product Comments' field.";
//if the error array contains data, we had some errors during validation, so we display all of these error(s) to the user.
if (!empty($errors)){
$output = "<ul>";
foreach ($errors as $err => $error_value){
$output .= "<li>".$error_value."</li>";
$output .= "<hr>";
$output .= "</ul>";
else{//if there were no errors after all the validation, insert data to database.
if($row >= 1){
$output = "Your information has successfully sent!";
//maybe send their information to my email instead if there is an issue with insert....probably the best idea rather than displaying an error.
$output = "There was an error receiving your information.";
if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == "products") {
if (isset($_GET['order'])){
header("Location: index.php?page=products");
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Thanks very much for any help/tips you can give me.