Ever since the redesign, PHPBuilder's forum has taken an extremely long time to load each page. I belive the culprit is e1.cdn.qnsr.com -- which is included in my favorite hosts file. Is there any chance it could be removed from the page design? Or at least configured so that one need not load anything from it to enjoy this forum?
every page on forum very load to slow
um...slow to load i mean.
Have you tried putting it in your local HOSTS file? Would that help? (With an entry pointing to, I mean, :evilgrin
It is :evilgrin: and that is the problem. The page appears to require the file/script/whatever to load before I can see the page content so visits to PHPB are insufferably slow. I have another machine where it's not in the hosts file and things load more quickly there.
Ah, I see. A tad strange, as it appears to claim to be part of a CDN, which you'd expect to be fast. Must be a large, or poorly optimized, asset.
I guess we could try & figure it out:
<script language="javascript" src="http://e1.cdn.qnsr.com/cgi/d/0/0/203/650707/cmp0.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="http://e1.cdn.qnsr.com/jsc/e1/fx.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="http://e1.cdn.qnsr.com/jsc/e1/fc.js"></script>
You misunderstand. From my local hosts file: e1.cdn.qnsr.com l1.cdn.qnsr.com #[WebBug]
Which means the asset will never load. There appears to be something about the way the PHPB site is constructed that slows everything down if you block the domain.
dalecosp;11021665 wrote:I guess we could try & figure it out:
<script language="javascript" src="http://e1.cdn.qnsr.com/cgi/d/0/0/203/650707/cmp0.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="http://e1.cdn.qnsr.com/jsc/e1/fx.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://e1.cdn.qnsr.com/jsc/e1/fc.js"></script>
Well it's pretty simple to me. I don't want to be tracked but the page wants to track me -- and if it can't, there appears to be a punitive effect.
OK, then; run a server on your localhost machine, set up the correct paths, and serve it yourself? Like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function do_nothing() {
return 1;
Aha...dalecosp, I think you are right -- and I wouldn't even need to have localhost return anything. The problem I'm having is that the request to qnsr.com is being routed to and, rather than a 404 response returning immediately, there is no local web server running so the request times out -- and the page waits to load until this timeout finally takes effect...or something.
So here I am contemplating whether to install a web server on one of my workstations to get PHPB to load more quickly. Seems rather drastic I think.
Depending on your browser there may be extensions available that allow you to block requests to certain files, folders or domains. For example in chrome there is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scriptsafe/oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdgdf?hl=en-US&utm_source=chrome-ntp-launcher which allows adding domains to a blacklist or whitelist.
Derokorian;11021733 wrote:Depending on your browser there may be extensions available that allow you to block requests to certain files, folders or domains. For example in chrome there is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scriptsafe/oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdgdf?hl=en-US&utm_source=chrome-ntp-launcher which allows adding domains to a blacklist or whitelist.
Ooh nice one. Preventing the request at the browser sounds like a good solution.
BTW, do you have any privacy concerns about using Chrome? I can't help but wonder if Google is tracking one's usage.
Personally I just don't care if Google knows. I do like blocking Facebook and other social and advert sites, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to worry if Google tracks me. Also, I'd rather it be Google than M$ (IE) or Crapple (Safari) and I just like using the developer tools in Chrome better than Firefox.
A good answer. I've got an Android phone and have started to get really paranoid about privacy lately. Maybe it's because my fiance set up a gift registry for our wedding on some site and now she is getting snail mail cards for the "Bride Expo" and other such materialistic insanity. :glare:
It's gonna get worse, and then real bad.
I'm trying to figure out when I've got time to dig my bunker ...