Free WAMPs (the combination of Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP etc.) now exist since over 10 years but they were always lacking two important things:
- The suitability for usage in a productive environment
- The possibility to administrate them via a graphical user interface

We developed SecureWAMP to fix this problems and added a bunch of features along with it.
And to top it all you can download and use it for free – private or commercial without any restrictions.

So what do you get exactly?
• A preconfigured WAMP-System with Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, FileZilla FTP-Server, Mercury/32 Mail-Server and SQLite
• Equally useful for developers as for productive usage thanks to switchable settings between security- and developer-functionality
• Centralized GUI for all important features of the above applications
• Assistant to operate the applications as a restricted user
• Addon system for reloading and integration of other applications (such as Perl , Python etc.) from the network
• 1-Click Installer for popular web applications such as phpBB, WordPress u.v.a.
• Assistant for performance tuning with automatic Evaluation of the System configuraton (number of CPUs, RAM, etc.)
• Editor for the Windows HOSTS file to create "virtual domains"
• Dynamic and automatic updates of individual components (Apache, MySQL, etc.) directly from the software
• Focus on a lightweight and fast system - the complete setup consists of only a 38MB file
• A fully portable package to develop wherever you are
• .... and much more!


If you are even not satisfied yet – please don’t worry! We will catch your wishes and worries to improve it furthermore until everybody is happy.

More Infos:
SecureWAMP Home


This is our first public beta. Little errors may be included :roll:

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