Hi all...
have always been able to install php on various Windows O/S boxes..not a problem

today tho, on my brand new win7 box - I again simply d/l the .msi installer, ran it using the defaults
and then rebooted - and no php is running...


is there something I'm missing - haven't had to do this in about 20 months...but is win7 different?

oh - it's a standard IIS box, and I run the server on same to test html/asp/.NET code just fine....



    You just named the two big things I stay far, far away from at any and all costs: the MSI installer and IIS. (I guess Windows can be counted as a distant third? :p)

    Which ".msi installer" did you use? Was it the one provided by Microsoft? Did you take a look at any of the articles in its Install and Configure PHP on IIS section?

      Yeah..thanks...so....things've changed since I did my last php install...

      but went and got the files once more, installed as per directions from the MS site...also installed the PhP Manager too and it shows up nicely in the IIS console, set all my variables and yes did register and phpinfo shows up properly too!

      and all is well!

      so thnx Brad...much appreciated, eh!


        JVRudnick;11024659 wrote:

        much appreciated, eh!

        Glad I could help a guy from up north. (C-eh?-N-eh?-D-eh? 🙂)

          :-) not a problem...we have the BEST beer in the world, so we're used to Yankees coming north for a real thirst quencher, eh!


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